This is the code making up an Exosims "Sandbox" -- a directory containing scripts (JSON-encoded parameter files) that drive Exosims simulation runs, source code that performs runs and analysis, and support code for display of results over a browser interface.

All the simulation scripts used by the Standards Team for the STDT final report reside here. In principle, multiple such Sandbox directories could exist for separate families of simulations.


To use the sandbox for runs and analysis:

  1. The EXOSIMS directory (a symbolic link) should point to Exosims source code (see also under File Contents, below).

  2. Put your Exosims input script, a json file, under Scripts.

  3. Use add-sims.sh to add simulations to the ensemble run (see also File Contents, below).

  4. Invoke make S=<script> html, where <script> is the script name above, to reduce data, make plots, and update the web page for that simulation.

  5. Reduced data and plots are placed in the sims/<script> directory. The plots can be viewed directly.

  6. Plots can also be viewed on the generated webpage. Start a server with make html-serve, then invoke make html-status and point your browser to the indicated location.


Further documentation is available on how execution works and how products are generated is available on github, or the JPL github.

File Contents

The contents here include:

  • Files/links/directories you might want to alter


      Symlink to the source code of Exosims used. The file EXOSIMS/EXOSIMS/__init__.py should exist.

    • Scripts

      .json scripts for Exosims input, placed here by convention.

  • Files/links/directories you might want to inspect or run

    • Makefile

      Controls data reduction and startup of ipython parallel engines. See the Makefile header for actions.

    • add-sims.sh

      Driver script to add more ensemble members. It contains usage instructions.

    • sims/*

      Dumped Exosims results, categorized by script-file root name. These generated files are not part of the source code distribution.

  • Files/links/directories that are mostly infrastructure

    • Local

      Local modules to be imported by Exosims, including the run_one() method, and some graphical summarization scripts.

    • util

      Utility scripts, mostly called at the direction of the Makefile.

    • Experiments

      Infrastructure for running coupled sets of Exosims runs for parameter tuning.

    • ipyparallel

      iPython-parallel per-user, per-machine configuration and lock files


Optionally, use make ipp-create to create an iPython-parallel profile, and use make ipp-start to start an iPython-parallel cluster. Our own usage does not typically use this facility, so this is generally not necessary.