Purpose: a flexible, LaTeX based template for compiling the final PDF for submission to NASA mission proposal calls while allowing team members to use the writing environment they are most comfortable with.


  • Best effort NASA proposal formatting
  • Automatically generate:
    • table of contents with correct page numbers
    • acronym list
    • bibliography
  • Overleaf friendly
  • Compiling of multiple PDF files with consistent headers, footers and page numbering
  • Allow varying page sizes and orientations (e.g. schedule fold-outs)
  • Toggle supporting documents that you may not want to share with the full proposal team

How to compile acronym list:

(overleaf does this automatically) Acronym list is built on glossaries package after first compilation run $ makeglossaries main.glo from command line and then compile again.

External PDF example:

Example of including an external PDF that is stored in a parent directory (and thus not tracked by git/Overleaf) and having it show up in table of contents and references in LaTex:


(depending on input PDF margins you may need to vary the width)