
Study project to try implementing a similar page view indicator as Instagram's

Primary LanguageDart

Pageview indicator study


In this repository I'm trying to replicate instagram's pageview indicator style.

Differently than PageViewDotIndicator, which was implemented using a listview and therefore was more limited, this one I'm implementing using CustomPaint and ImplicitAnimations.

Next steps

  • Draw dots
  • Add animation to work as an implicitlyAnimatedWidget
  • Implement max dots visible on screen
    • Ideas: clipping, drawing only the max visible, move the view, translate the dots
  • Make sure it's performant (like a listview would be if there were 100s of items)
  • Make the dots clickable
  • Allow for different shapes and expose more configuration parameters
  • Testing


Aug, 06 - Part 1

  • It's a lot more math than I was expecting

  • ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget was the way to create a widget that animated on its own upon changing the currentPosition

  • I needed a function to get the distance between the currentPosition and current dot (i) being drawn translated into:

    // This returns how close it is the dot from the currentPosition (selected dot).
    // e.g.: currPos = 1.7 and i = 1
    // 1 - 1.7 = 0.7 (abs) => 1 - 0.7 = 0.3 (that's how close)
    // e.g.: currPos = 1.7 and i = 2
    // 2 - 1.7 = 0.3 => 1 - 0.3 = 0.7 (which means this must have more of the selected color than the dot 1)
    return 1 - (i - currentPosition).abs();
  • Implicitly animated widgets are not as hard to implement, and it works as follows:

    • As the state of the widget changes, it will trigger the animation to start, and then you'll need a tween to translate from the previous value to the target one, which will trigger the build method for each iteration
    • Because of this, the outer widget can receive discret values (0, 1, 2), while the inner widget (painter), can receive continuous (0.1, 0.2, 0.3...) translated by the tween.

Aug, 06 - Part 2

Commit: 5699e759273e77253c5333e31da08cf641b27cd3

  • Calculating the distance from the current dot to each one being drawn has been really helpful for many different things.
  • When animating things on canvas, everything has to be continuous, so it's a matter of finding the right mathematical function to achieve the desired effect. Therefore, writing ifs/elses to return value A or B is a NO go for this situation since it skips the transition steps.
  • Implementing the reduced dots has been really hard.
    • I figured out how to reduce the size of them after a certain threshold, and it works both ways
    • I still couldn't manage to keep the maxItems as I expected. I believe this needs to be addressed before I can think of moving the viewport and aligning the items.