
A ORM-like Python client for Airtable.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyPI version Documentation Status codecov

Airstorm is a dynamic Python ORM for Airtable. It allows you to easily interact with any base using Python with minimal setup.

Main Features

  • Object-oriented interface.
  • Dynamic generation of data models from schema.
  • Automatic foreign-key resolution.
  • Caching layer to avoid abusing the Airtable API.


pip install airstorm


from airstorm.base import Base
jamba_juice = Base('your_base_id', 'your_api_key', {'your': 'schema'})
smoothy = jamba_juice.Smoothie('some_smoothie_id')  # Get your table record.
for fruit in smoothy.fruits:  # Get linked record in a breeze.
    print(fruit.name)  # Access any field data.
print(smoothy.fruits.names) # Access to mutliple record field data at once.

Getting the Schema

Unfortunatly currently this part of the process is not ideal. Because Airtable does not provide access to the schema via their API, you'll have to "download" the schema manually via a web browser of choice.

The following gist is a script that you can run on a Chrome console from the Airtable base API page to get back the JSON schema that airtstorm is expecting to be fed with.


  • Field validation where possible.
  • Push changes. Currently we are read-only.
  • Downlading schema automatically using pyppeteer.
  • Pythonic formulas.


This projects requires the following:

Make sure your WORKON_HOME environment variable is set on Windows, and create a airstorm virtual environment with mkvirtualenv. Build systems for installing requirements and running tests are on board of the SublimeText project.