MeetHomie - An Intuitive Scheduling App

The inspiration behind developing this scheduling app stemmed from the noticeable inefficiencies and limitations present in existing scheduling solutions. Many of these applications often require cumbersome steps to simply set up a meeting, lack intuitive interfaces, or do not offer flexible scheduling options that cater to the varying availability and preferences of all participants.

This scheduling app addresses these problems by:

  • Simplifying User Authentication: Users can create an account with just their email, making the entry barrier as low as possible.
  • Enhanced Flexibility in Scheduling: This platform allows the host to propose multiple time slots and lets the invitees indicate their availability preferences as high, medium, or low. This feature ensures that the final meeting time accommodates the preferences of all participants as much as possible, significantly reducing scheduling conflicts.
  • Centralized and Intuitive Dashboard: All scheduled meetings are displayed on a calendar view, providing a holistic and easy-to-navigate overview. Users can manage, accept, and finalize invitations effortlessly from a single page.
  • Improved Communication: The ability to leave notes for each meeting invites—ranging from logistical details to personal messages—facilitates better communication and personalization.

These features collectively provide a more user-friendly, efficient, and flexible scheduling experience, addressing the shortcomings of existing tools and enhancing user satisfaction.

Main Features of the App

  • User Authentication System: Streamlined sign-up and login process using only an email address.
  • Contact Management: Users can easily add and manage contacts within the app, simplifying the process of scheduling meetings with frequent connections.
  • Host-Controlled Meeting Creation: Hosts can create a meeting, propose multiple time slots, and invite contacts. This allows hosts to manage their time effectively while considering the availability of others.
  • Preference-Based Time Selection: Both hosts and invitees can mark their availability as high, medium, or low for proposed times. This feature prioritizes everyone’s preferences and aims to find the most suitable meeting time.
  • Unified Dashboard: A user-friendly dashboard that displays all meetings in a calendar view. It includes tools for managing, accepting, and finalizing invitations, all from one central location.
  • Notes and Communication: Users can leave notes for each other within the app, providing a platform for exchanging important meeting details or personal messages, which enhances communication and the overall user experience.

Installation guide (local demo)

#Setup Backend

  1. cd backend
  2. ./
  3. ./

#Setup Frontend

  1. cd frontend
  2. npm install
  3. npm start