This was never developed for public consumption, so it’s messy with not much error checking. If someone wants to fork it, clean it up, and keep it up to date, please be my guest. Consider the License public domain, so you can do anything you like with the code.
Log into the camera and enable "Enable Anonymous Snapshot", then go to http://camera.ip.address/Snap.jpeg
and check you see a still image. If not, fix what’s wrong as nothing else will work.
Place the bash scripts into a directory of your choice.
Change the below to a directory of your choice. All jpeg images will be stored here under the camera name.
Change the below to the IP address and names of your cameras
CAMS["Front Door"]=""
CAMS["Back Door"]=""
CAMS["Back Garden"]=""
Now check the script will save snaps :-
unifi-timelapse savesnap "Front Door" "Driveway"
That should save a still image to the directry lieted in the SNAP_BASE
variable. If it worked setup a cron job to execute that script every time you want to save an image.
This example is crontab to save an image every minute
*/1 * * * * /path/to/script/unifi-timelapse savesnap "Front Door" "Driveway"
Then every time you want to make a video, simply execute “camera name” today
That will create a time-lapse of all todays images. Options are today
hopefully that’s self explanatory. The file
option should be a text file with a list of the images you want included, one per line.