
Factorize-Recover for Perturb-seq analysis (FR-Perturb)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Factorize-Recover for Perturb-seq analysis (FR-Perturb)

FR-Perturb is a command-line tool for estimating effect sizes on gene expression from Perturb-seq data, based on the factorize-recover algorithm from Sharan et al. 2019 ICML. The method is written in both R (used to run the analysis in the paper) and Python. We recommend using the Python version because it is much faster, though the output may be slightly different than the R version due to the use of different packages to perform inference.

To use, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/douglasyao/FR-Perturb.git
cd FR-Perturb

Next, activate the conda environment:

conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate FR-Perturb

FR-Perturb is now ready to use. For comments/questions/issues with running the code, please contact douglasyao2@gmail.com.


In order to estimate perturbation effect sizes, two things need to provided:

1. A raw expression count matrix, stored as an .h5ad file (from the AnnData package).

2. The perturbation status of each cell. This data can be specified in two ways:

  • Option 1. A cell x perturbation binary indicator matrix. This is provided as a separate whitespace-delimited file whose contents should look something like this:
Cell_Barcode  Pert_1  Pert_2 Control  ...
Cell_1  1 0 0 
Cell_2  0 0 1 
Cell_3  0 1 0 
Cell_4  1 1 0 
  • Option 2. Info stored in the meta-data of the expression matrix (i.e. the obs variable of the AnnData object). When the expression matrix is loaded into Python as data, then data.obs should contain look something like this:
Cell_Barcode  Perturbation  Covariate_1  Covariate_2  ...
Cell_1  Pert_1  0.04  45
Cell_2  Control  0.14  69
Cell_3  Pert_2  0.29  12
Cell_4  Pert_1:Pert_2  0.22  45

Option 1

For Option 1, the following command should be used to estimate effect sizes:

./run_FR_Perturb.py --input-h5ad [INPUT_H5AD] --input-perturbation-matrix [INPUT_PERTURBATION_MATRIX] --control-perturbation-name [CONTROL_PERTURBATION_NAME] --covariates [COVARIATES] --compute-pval --out [OUT]

1. --input-h5ad [INPUT_H5AD] specifies an h5ad file name (from the AnnData package) containing raw gene expression counts for all cells. Sample-level covariates should be found in the obs variable (see here for info on AnnData objects).

2. --input-perturbation-matrix [INPUT_PERTURBATION_MATRIX] specifies a file name containing a whitespace-delimited table with columns corresponding to perturbations and rows corresponding to cells. Cells containing a given perturbation should be indicated with a "1", otherwise "0". The row names in this file should match the cell names in the h5ad file, i.e. the row names of the obs variable (otherwise the method will throw an error). The column names should correspond to the perturbation names. An example is shown below:

Cell_Barcode  Pert_1  Pert_2 Control  ...
Cell_1  1 0 0 
Cell_2  0 0 1 
Cell_3  0 1 0 
Cell_4  1 1 0 

3. --control-perturbation-name [CONTROL_PERTURBATION_NAME] (Optional). Typically, perturbation effect sizes are computed relative to cells containing a control perturbation, so these control cells should be present in the expression matrix. This flag specifies the perturbation name corresponding to a control guide. The name must be present in the column names of the input perturbation matrix. If multiple different columns correspond to control guides, then their names can be provided as a list separated by commas, e.g. ctrl_pert1,ctrl_pert2,ctrl_pert3. If this flag is not set, then perturbation effect sizes will be computed relative to the mean expression across all cells.

4. --covariates [COVARIATES] (Optional). This optional flag specifies a comma-separated list of covariate names to regress out of the expression matrix, e.g. cov_1,cov_2,cov_3. These names must be present in the column names of the obs variable in the h5ad file.

5. --compute-pval (Optional). This optional flag specifies whether or not to compute p-values for all effect sizes by permutation testing. If set, two additional files with suffixes _pvals.txt and _qvals.txt will be output.

6. --out [OUT] specifies the output file prefix, including the directory. The output name for the effect sizes will be the prefix with _LFCs.txt appended to it.

Option 2

For Option 2, the following command should be used to estimate effect sizes:

./run_FR_Perturb.py --input-h5ad [INPUT_H5AD] --perturbation-column-name [INPUT_PERTURBATION_MATRIX] --perturbation-delimiter [PERTURATION_DELIMITER] --control-perturbation-name [CONTROL_PERTURBATION_NAME] --covariates [COVARIATES] --compute-pval --out [OUT]

1. --input-h5ad [INPUT_H5AD] specifies an h5ad file name (from the AnnData package) containing raw gene expression counts for all cells. Sample-level covariates should be found in the obs variable (see here for info on AnnData objects).

2. --perturbation-column-name [PERTURBATION_COLUMN_NAME] specifies which column name in the cell metadata matrix (stored in .obs in the h5ad object) corresponds to perturbation information. The values in this column should represent which perturbations (by name) are present in each cell. In the below example, the column Perturbation contains this info.

Cell_Barcode  Perturbation  Covariate_1  Covariate_2  ...
Cell_1  Pert_1  0.04  45
Cell_2  Control  0.14  69
Cell_3  Pert_2  0.29  12
Cell_4  Pert_1:Pert_2  0.22  45

3. --perturbation-delimiter [PERTURBATION_DELIMITER] (Optional). If a cell contains multiple perturbations, then its value in the perturbation metadata column .obs[PERTURBATION_COLUMN_NAME] should correspond to the names of the perturbations separated by some delimiter. In the above example, Cell_4 contains two perturbations Pert_1 and Pert_2 as denoted by Pert_1:Pert_2. If this flag is set to the delimiter (in this case :), then multiple perturbations within each cells will be separated, and effect sizes will only be estimated for individual perturbations. If this flag is not set, then pertubation effect sizes will be estimated for every distinct combination of perturbations.

4. --control-perturbation-name [CONTROL_PERTURBATION_NAME] (Optional). Typically, perturbation effect sizes are computed relative to cells containing a control perturbation, so these control cells should be present in the expression matrix. This flag specifies the perturbation name corresponding to a control guide. The name must be present in .obs[PERTURBATION_COLUMN_NAME]. If multiple different columns correspond to control guides, then their names can be provided as a list separated by commas, e.g. ctrl_pert1,ctrl_pert2,ctrl_pert3. If this flag is not set, then perturbation effect sizes will be computed relative to the mean expression across all cells.

5. --covariates [COVARIATES] (Optional). This optional flag specifies a comma-separated list of covariate names to regress out of the expression matrix, e.g. cov_1,cov_2,cov_3. These names must be present in the column names of the obs variable in the h5ad file.

6. --compute-pval (Optional). This optional flag specifies whether or not to compute p-values for all effect sizes by permutation testing. If set, two additional files with suffixes _pvals.txt and _qvals.txt will be output.

7. --out [OUT] specifies the output file prefix, including the directory. The output name for the effect sizes will be the prefix with _LFCs.txt appended to it.


FR-Perturb will output a whitespace-delimited table with suffix _LFCs.txt containing the log-fold changes of expression relative to expression in cells containing control guides (if --control-perturbation-name is set), or relative to mean expression across all cells (if --control-perturbation-name is not set). Rows correspond to genes and columns correspond to perturbations. An example is shown below:

Pert_1  Pert_2  Pert_3
Gene_1  0.39 -0.9 2.1 
Gene_2  0.32 -0.82 3.1
Gene_3  -0.61 0.24 1.2

If --compute-pval is set, then FR-Perturb will also output additional two files with suffixes _pvals.txt and _qvals.txt containing p-values (with the same rows and columns as the effect size file) and q-values (computed using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure) respectively.

Other options

FR-Perturb has additional options that can be used to tweak data processing, model hyperparameters, p-value calculation, and other things.

Data processing

1. --large-dataset. This flag should be set if memory is an issue when processing the dataset using FR-Perturb with default parameters. With 100G of RAM, default FR-Perturb can handle datasets with ~300K cells. If set, FR-Perturb can handle datasets with up to millions of cells, though compute time is substantially increased. It uses memory-efficient randomized partial SVD rather than sparse PCA during factorize step of factorize-recover.

2. --batches [BATCHES]. If --large-dataset is set, then data is processed in batches. This flag specifies how many batches to use. Increasing this number reduces the amount of memory but increases compute time. Default 10.

3. --gene-column-name [GENE_COLUMN_NAME]. By default, FR-Perturb will assume that the index of .var of the AnnData object represents gene names when outputting results. If a different column of .var corresponds to the desired gene names, then the column name should be specified with this flag.

Significance testing

1. --num-perms [NUM_PERMS] specifies the number of permutations to perform for permutation testing. Default 1000.

2. --fit-zero-pval specifies whether or not to fit a skew-normal distribution the null distribution of effect sizes with p=0 from permutation testing. Setting this flag allows for p-values below 1/num_perms, though it substantially increases compute time.

3. --multithreaded specifies whether or not use multithreading when fitting skew-normal distributions.

Model hyperparameters

1. --rank [RANK] specifies the rank of the matrix during the factorize step of factorize-recover. Default 20.

2. --spca-alpha [SPCA_ALPHA] specifies a hyperparameter determining the sparsity of the factor matrix during the factorize step of factorize-recover. Higher value = more sparse. Default 0.1.

3. --lasso-alpha [LASSO_ALPHA] specifies a hyperparameter determining the sparsity of learned effects during the recover step of factorize-recover. Higher value = more sparse. Default 0.0001.


1. --cross-validate. FR-Perturb provides the option to perform 2-fold cross validation of the perturbation effects. The input dataset is split in half, then perturbation effect sizes are separately estimated in each half and their consistency with each other is assessed. If --compute-pval is set, then correlation and sign consistency will be computed for all significant effects. The output will look something like this:

        Correlation     Sign_concordance
q<0.05_effects  0.83     0.95
q<0.2_effects   0.62      0.82

If --compute-pval is not set, then correlation and sign consistency will be compute for the largest effects by magnitude. The output will look something like this:

        Correlation     Sign_concordance
Top_0.1%_effects        0.74     0.87
Top_1.0%_effects        0.45     0.77

2. --cross-validate-runs [CROSS_VALIDATE_RUNS]. Number of times to repeat cross-validation. Cross-validation accuracy is averaged across runs. Default 2.