
Short for BBOP DevOps

Primary LanguagePython


Github release tool.

Using a github api token that has push access to your repository to push. This uses the requests module to make calls to the github api to make a release (tag some version and get download links for the source) and upload artifacts related to the repository.


source env/bin/activate


You can run bevos --help to see commands, or in particular bevos release --help. In general to perform a release in organization foo and repository bar:

bevos release foo bar --tag v1.2.3 --description "some description" --token-path path/to/file

Version Bump

Instead of specifying an exact tag version, you can instead provide the option --bump=component, where component is one of major, minor, patch as from semantic versioning. One of --bump or --tag must be specified. If --bump is supplied bevos will look for the latest release and bump whichever component specified, according to how semver works.

For example, if the latest version is v1.2.6, and you --bump=patch you will release v1.2.7. Bumping minor would give v1.3.0, and bumping major will give v2.0.0.

Dry Run

You can make a "draft" release by specifying the --dry-run option. This will create a "draft" release in Github that can then be deleted if a mistake is made.


Specify the --artifact path/to/file option to have bevos upload the file to Github as a part of the release. This file becomes available for download from the release website on Github.

Token Path

In order to access the Github api, it needs an authentication token. You can generate one in your Github account at your "Personal Access Tokens" page in your account settings. See also Github's getting started guide on authentication. Bevos assumes you have a file with some api token. You can specify the path to this file with --token-path, or by setting the environment variable GH_TOKEN_PATH. If neither is set bevos cannot make a release.