
Apple TV demo app and presentation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native on the Apple TV Platform

This demo Apple TV app includes the talk I've given at

Includes the slides for my talk, and various demos of React Native Apple TV features.

2019: Now updated to use the new Apple TV React Native NPM package react-native-tvos

2023: Now updated to build as an Expo TV app.


  • This app was originally written back in 2017, and uses plain JS with class-based components. It should not be used as an example of how apps should be built today (with TypeScript, functional components, and React hooks). Remarkably few changes were needed to get it working with the latest React Native (0.73.6-0).
  • Navigation makes use of the TabBarIOS component, which is Apple TV only (does not function on Android TV).


  • Clone this repo
  • Change to the top level directory
  • Execute yarn or npm install
export EXPO_TV=1
npx expo prebuild
yarn ios # Build and run for Apple TV


  • In the Apple TV simulator, use cmd-shift-R to bring up the view of the TV remote
  • Use the keyboard:
    • arrow keys to change focus from one view to the next
    • return key presses the currently selected view
    • escape key maps to the menu button on the remote
