BASH scripts for setting up and running WRF-Chem for the PROMOTE project
Scripting requirements:
- scenario configuration files:
- chemical settings files
- time period settings files
- NCL scripts for post-processing (
Once you've cloned the repository you will need to invoke te git submodule command to load the required libraries:
git submodule init
git submodule update
Initial Scenario setup:
- edit local_settings.txt
- edit
- set the path to the local_settings.txt file:
- set the scenario names
- setup running directories (Steps 1 & 2):
- ./
Running each time period:
- edit
- set the path to the local_settings.txt file:
- set the scenario names
- set the time setting file
- setup the time period information:
- ./
- edit Running_Scripts/
- set the number of array jobs:
- e.g. -J 1-4 (for 4 jobs)
- set the walltime
- set variables:
- SCENARIOS (matching number of array jobs)
- edit Running_Scripts/
- set the script, work, and output directories
- submit the batch jobs:
- cd Running_Scripts
- qsub