Advanced python course

This repository contains the jupyter lessons and data for the advanced class in python.

The lessons begin with a reminder of the python essentials. It then introduces the concept of hash tables (dictionaries), defensive programming, numpy and matplotlib usage, how to deal with physical quantities and a short introduction to the pandas library.


Feedback form

Setup Instructions (PC Cluster)

  • Launch Command Prompt from start menu, and create working directory:

    mkdir C:\Work\python-programming
    • Note: don't use P drive, as this will cause problems for python.
  • Download the course material from

    1. Click "Clone or Download" and select "Download Zip"
    2. Save to the new directory that you created
    3. Unzip file
  • Starting Jupyter:

    1. Launch Anaconda Prompt from the start menu

    2. Change to your working directory:

      cd C:\Work\python-programming


      cd C:\Work\python-programming\python-advanced-jupyter-master
    3. Start Jupyter server:

      jupyter notebook
  • Starting Spyder:

    1. Launch Spyder from the start menu

Instructor Notes

Spyder tricks

  • Modification of the size of the ipython console panel is done:

    1. By going in:


      • By increasing the font size using the following key combinaisons:

        ctrl + +


      ctrl + shift + =
      • to decrease the font size:

        ctrl + -
  • To send and execute the line or the selection:
