
A mud client for Emacs.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

The great majority of the files in this repository were not written by me. I don't remember exactly when I got it or who I got it from; my guess is I got it from Erik Ostrom circa 1992, and I've been carting it around from system to system ever since. I hadn't used it in a few years, and discovered that it doesn't seem to work with Emacs 27, but before I started trying to upgrade it, I figured I might as well put it into source control. So here it is.

--Doug Orleans, Dec 14, 2023

Original README below:

My advice: Put all the .el files in a directory ~/emacs/jmud Put the fragment-of-.emacs in your ~/.emacs file somewhere Put the world-file in ~/.jmud_worlds

You might not like all of the stuff, particularly the part about where to put the .el files--if you choose another location, fix the reference to it in the .emacs fragment.

Note that the world file is grotesquely out of date, and serves primarily as a mediocre syntax example at this point.