The Timbre Explorer module creates Timbre objects for the investigation of the dissonance and consonance properties of musical timbres. The disMeasure() function is not mine - it is a Python translation of William Sethares’s matlab and C code. I highly recommend reading his writings on the relationship between tuning and timbre. Try this for starters. I have added functions to do plots of various kinds and to generate .wav files so you can hear the timbres and their dissonance / consonance patterns. Requires Matplotlib, Numpy and Scipy.
import Timbre
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 6)
Typical usage, assuming you cd to the directory that contains the Timbre directory and run Python 2.7x from there:
- import Timbre
- foo = Timbre.Even()
- foo.disMeasure(octaves = 1) # perform the dissonance calculation
- foo.disPlot() # plot the dissonance curve for the timbre
- foo.ConsDisFreqs() # plot of the maximima and minima in the dissonance curve
- foo.partialsPlot() # bar plot of the relative amplitudes and frequencies for the partials of the timbre
- foo.wavePlot() # plot one period of the timbre's waveform
- foo.timbreGen() # Generate a 5 second sample of the timbre
- foo.timbreSweep(length = 60) # Generate a sweep of the timbre against itself
Create some Timbre objects. Objects can be initialized as:
- Even (even partials)
- Odd (odd partials)
- Evenodd (even and odd partials etc.)
- Square
- Sawtooth
- Triangle
- Beam
- Custom
even = Timbre.Even()
odd = Timbre.Odd()
beam = Timbre.Beam()
Timbre successfully initialized with parameters of 220Hz, 7 partials, attenuation factor of 0.71
Timbre successfully initialized with parameters of 220Hz, 7 partials, attenuation factor of 0.71
Timbre successfully initialized with Beam partials
Make some plots:
Note the flat third (interval 4)
Note the stetched partials of the vibrating beam timbre, especially the sixth and octave
Timbre.disPlotMultiple(even, odd, beam)
square = Timbre.Square(n_partials = 25)
Timbre successfully initialized with parameters of 220Hz, 25 partials