
:cake: Efficient way of using Vim as a Git mergetool

Primary LanguageVim scriptMIT LicenseMIT


Efficient way of using Vim as a Git mergetool. 🍰 With vim-mergetool you can have your cake and eat it too.


vim-mergetool processes MERGED file and extracts ours, theirs, or common sides of a conflict by parsing conflict markers left by Git. Then it shows 2-way diff between ours and theirs versions, with raw conflict markers being already removed.

Unlike simply comparing between LOCAL and REMOTE history revisions, it takes over where automatic Git merge algorithm gives up. Diffs are present only where Git cannot automatically resolve conflicts, and you're not distracted with diff highlighting of already resolved hunks.

In a screenshot below, MERGED file is on the left with conflict markers already removed with optimistic assumption of picking up changes from ours side. Then it's compared to the REMOTE branch, but focusing only on conflicts - not all the diffs. Yes, all diff highlighting you're seeing in a screenshot below - are actually merge conflicts.

Default 2 way diff layout between merged file and remote revision

Plus, to resolve the conflict you don't need to edit conflict markers directly - just pick either side of a conflict using :diffget and :diffput commands.

So far, it's similar to what whiteinge/diffconflicts already does. But that's only the beginning...


  • Flexible layouts. You're not limited to default 2-way diff layout. You can use 3-way diff layout, or even setup window of 4 splits. Both horizontal and vertical splits are supported, and mix thereof.
  • Toggle between layouts during merge. You can have several layouts and toggle between them during merge. For example, you're using 2-way diff by default, but sometimes you want to quickly recall what's the state of a diff in the BASE revision, but don't want to keep 3rd BASE split constantly opened.
  • Choose preferred conflict side. You can choose ours, theirs or base side of a conflict for MERGED file as a default, or work with raw conflict markers.
  • Conventional LOCAL, REMOTE, BASE history revisions are available to compare to as well.
  • Can be run as a git mergetool, or by opening a file with conflict markers from the running Vim instance.
  • Prompts whether merge was successful on quit. If not, rollbacks changes and report non-zero exit status code when run as a git mergetool.
  • Smart diff exchange commands. Tell direction of a window to diffget or diffput instead of specifying a buffer number. Especially handy for 3-way diffs. Not limited to merge conflict scenarios, can be used for regular diffs.
  • Can tell if we're in merge mode right now. Useful for showing some sort of indicator in a status line.

Why do I need it?

Most merge tools use 3-way diff approach by showing several split windows, that include LOCAL revision (current branch), REMOTE revision (branch we're going to merge), BASE revision (common base ancestor), and working tree version of MERGED file with or without conflict markers.

Here is the same merge scenario opened with a default vimdiff as a mergetool: Default vimdiff mergetool

While 3-way diff paradigm is superior to 2-way diff for merging purposes, it does not fit Vim well:


  • When several revisions are compared at the same time (i.e :diffthis in all buffers), Vim highlights every diff between each of those files. Usually that means every possible change between BASE-LOCAL-REMOTE-MERGED files, including those which are not relevant to conflict resolution.
  • It highlights even those hunks, which were already automatically resolved by git merge-file. It distracts you from focusing purely on unresolved conflicts. Indeed, I don't want to care about already resolved conflicts.
  • Limited window width when three vertical splits are opened. Forces you to scroll horizontally, or wrap lines. Unless you have enough screen width, it's difficult to quickly grasp changes when window width is only ~50 columns or so. Usually, it's not easy to tweak predefined layout.
  • Forces you to pick up conflict side by directly editing conflict markers, instead of choosing change from the left or the right.
  • :diffget and :diffput Vim commands are convenient only when there're two split windows, otherwise they become ambiguous and you need to tell them the target buffer number, which is a real showstopper. No one wants to think on "What's the Vim's buffer number of the window on the right/left?", when you're already pulling your hair trying to resolve conflicts from long running "feature" branch.

Alternative solutions

  • default vimdiff merge tool. Shows layout with 3 vertical splits: LOCAL, REMOTE, BASE revisions, and the horizontal split at the bottom with a MERGED file, containing raw conflict markers.
  • vim-fugitive :Gdiff command, which automatically detects conflict markers in a file and switches into 3-way diff. Shows 3 vertical splits: LOCAL, REMOTE revisions and MERGED file in the middle with raw conflict markers. See this reddit comment on difference between [vim-figutive] and this plugin.
  • whiteinge/diffconflicts. Parses MERGED file and removes conflict markers to pick up one side of a conflict. Default to 2-split layout with local and remote revisions.
  • Drop using Vim as a mergetool. Use some GUI program, like DiffMerge or Kdiff3. Better to use both though.


Use your favorite Vim plugin manager.

Minimal working configuration using vim-plug.

set nocompatible
filetype plugin indent on

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
  Plug 'samoshkin/vim-mergetool'
call plug#end()

let g:mergetool_layout = 'mr'
let g:mergetool_prefer_revision = 'local'


NOTE: vim-mergetool does not set up any key mappings for you. It justs exports a handful of commands and <plug> mappings. You're free to setup key mappings in your vimrc as you'd like.

Preferred conflict side

vim-mergetool removes conflict markers from MERGED file, and picks up ours/local side of a conflict by default. If you prefer another side of a conflict:

" possible values: 'local' (default), 'remote', 'base'
let g:mergetool_prefer_revision = 'remote'

If you don't want vim-mergetool to process MERGED file and remove raw conflict markers:

let g:mergetool_prefer_revision = 'unmodified'

Alternatively, you can start with local or unmodified revision, and change your mind later during merge process by running one of these commands:


Available revisions to compare

2-way diff between local and remote versions derived from conflict markers is a sane default, but you might want to compare MERGED file against other revisions:

  • LOCAL, current branch HEAD.
  • REMOTE, HEAD of the branch we're going to merge
  • BASE, common ancestor of two branches, i.e git merge-base branchX branchY
  • local, remote, base (in lowercase), those are revisions derived from MERGED file by picking up either side of a conflict from conflict markers


vim-mergetool defaults to two vertical splits layout with MERGED file on the left, and remote revision on the right. MERGED file is processed according to g:mergetool_prefer_revision setting as described above.

" (m) - for working tree version of MERGED file
" (r) - for 'remote' revision
let g:mergetool_layout = 'mr'

If you want to use 3-way diff layout as a default, with a base revision in the leftmost split:

let g:mergetool_layout = 'bmr'

3 way diff vertical split layout

To show usual REMOTE, LOCAL, BASE history revisions, use uppercase characters:

let g:mergetool_layout = 'LmR'

Here you can spot the difference comparing against LOCAL/REMOTE branch tips versus picking up ours or theirs revision based on conflict markers in a MERGED file. You're getting diff highlighting even when there is no merge conflicts.

By the way, this setup is pretty much same to what vim-fugitive :Gdiff does, except that conflict markers are already removed. You can use g:mergetool_prefer_revision='unmodified' to replicate vim-fugitive completely. Indeed, vim-mergetool is flexible enough to replicate any existing vim+merge solution.

3 way diff between LOCAL and REMOTE

By default vertical splits are used. If you prefer working with horizontal splits:

let g:mergetool_layout = 'm,r'

You can mix both approaches. For example, show MERGED file and remote revision in vertical splits as usual, and have horizontal split with base revision at the bottom.

let g:mergetool_layout = 'mr,b'

Horizontal and vertical mixed layout

Toggle layout during merge

You are not limited to single possible layout. You can switch easily between different layouts during merge process.

For example, you can start with 2-way diff layout, and then temporarily toggle additional split with base revision on the left or at the bottom. Or hide MERGED file altogether and review LOCAL, BASE and REMOTE history revisions.

" In 'vimrc'
" Default layout
let g:mergetool_layout = 'mr'

" Later, during merge process:

" View 'base' revision on the left
:MergetoolToggleLayout bmr

" View 'base' revision in horizontal split at the bottom
:MergetoolToggleLayout mr,b

" View history revisions, and hide 'MERGED' file altogether
:MergetoolToggleLayout LBR

Switching layouts

In addition to commands, you can setup key mappings for your most common layouts:

nnoremap <silent> <leader>mb :call mergetool#toggle_layout('mr,b')<CR>

Running as a git mergetool

vim-mergetool can be configured to run as a git mergetool. In your ~/.gitconfig:

tool = vim_mergetool
conflictstyle = diff3

[mergetool "vim_mergetool"]
cmd = vim -f -c "MergetoolStart" "$MERGED" "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"
trustExitCode = true

Git detects whether merge was successful or not in two ways:

  • When trustExitCode = false, checks if MERGED file was modified.
  • When trustExitCode = true, checks exit code of a merge tool process.

vim-mergetool supports both options. On quit, if merge was unsuccessful, it both discards any unsaved changes to buffer without touching file's ctime and returns non-zero exit code.

Running directly from running Vim instance

You can enter and exit merge mode from running Vim instance by opening a file with conflict markers, and running one of the commands:


You can setup a key mapping to toggle merge mode:

nmap <leader>mt <plug>(MergetoolToggle)

Upon entering merge mode, vim-mergetool would switch to a new tab, to avoid breaking your current window layout.

When exiting merge mode, if merge was unsuccessful, vim-mergetool would discard changes to merged file and rollback to a buffer state as it were right before starting a merge.

Unlike running as a git mergetool, LOCAL, REMOTE and BASE history revisions are not passed from the outside. In this mode, vim-mergetool extracts them from the numbered stages of Git index.

$ git cat-file -p :1:{file} > {file}.base
$ git cat-file -p :2:{file} > {file}.local
$ git cat-file -p :3:{file} > {file}.remote

NOTE: Therefore, It's assumed that Git merge is in progress, and cwd of running Vim instance is set to repository root dir.

Smart diff exchange commands

Vim's :diffget and :diffput commands are convenient and unambiguous as soon as you have only two buffers in diff mode. If you prefer 3-way diff, you're out of lucky, as you need to explicitly tell the buffer number you want to exchange diff with.

vim-mergetool comes with DiffExchange commands and mapping, that accepts direction of a diff movement: "left", "right", "up", "down". You can setup your own key mappings for diff mode only:

nmap <expr> <C-Left> &diff? '<Plug>(MergetoolDiffExchangeLeft)' : '<C-Left>'
nmap <expr> <C-Right> &diff? '<Plug>(MergetoolDiffExchangeRight)' : '<C-Right>'
nmap <expr> <C-Down> &diff? '<Plug>(MergetoolDiffExchangeDown)' : '<C-Down>'
nmap <expr> <C-Up> &diff? '<Plug>(MergetoolDiffExchangeUp)' : '<C-Up>'

Commands are available as well:


DiffExchange logic runs either :diffget or :diffput with a right buffer number of adjacent window, depending on:

  • given direction
  • whether window in opposite direction exists or not

Diff exchange

It's easier to explain with example.

Suppose, you have 3 split layout: MERGED file in the middle, base and remote revisions are on the sides. Typically, the middle one with a MERGED file is an active split. You navigate from hunk to hunk, and decide what to do with a conflict: leave as is, or pick version from left/right splits.

  • <C-Left> would diffget change from the right split into the middle one. If you imagine the diff movement - it goes from right to the left.
  • <C-Right> would diffget change from the left split into the middle one. If you imagine the diff movement - it goes from left to the right.

If the rightmost split were the active one:

  • <C-Left> would diffput change from the current split into the middle one. As soon as there is no adjacent window on the right to get change from, we invert diffget operation into diffput.
  • <C-Right> would diffget change from middle split.

Same logic applies to "up" and "down" directions. Useful if you prefer horizontal splits.

Conclusion: despite how many splits are opened and what's the layout, you don't need to wrap your head around diffput vs diffget semantics, and you don't need to figure out correct buffer numbers manually. You just tell desired diff movement direction, and vim-mergetool handles the details for you.

Limitation: DiffExchange commands work only in normal mode, and do not support visual mode and working with line ranges.

DiffExchange functionality is not specific to resolving merge conflicts, and can be used for regular diffs.

If you like <C-arrow> mappings from the snippet above, you might also want to map <up> and <down> keys to navigate diffs, instead of default [c and ]c mappings. They're not used anyway, since you're using h,j,k,l for movements, are you? ;-)

nmap <expr> <Up> &diff ? '[c' : '<Up>'
nmap <expr> <Down> &diff ? ']c' : '<Down>'

Merge mode detection

You can detect whether you're in merge mode now, by inspecting g:mergetool_in_merge_mode variable.

It can be helpful to show indicator in a status line. Example for vim-airline:

function! AirlineDiffmergePart()
  if get(g:, 'mergetool_in_merge_mode', 0)
    return ''

  if &diff
    return ''

  return ''

call airline#parts#define_function('_diffmerge', 'AirlineDiffmergePart')
call airline#parts#define_accent('_diffmerge', 'bold')

let g:airline_section_z = airline#section#create(['_diffmerge', ...other_parts])

Status line indicator

Quitting merge mode

When exiting merge mode, vim-mergetool would prompt you whether merge was successful. If not, it will rollback changes to the buffer, will not save MERGED file to disk, and exit with non-zero code, when running as a git mergetool.

Quit prompt

You can either issue :MergetoolStop or :MergetoolToggle commands, or use dedicated mapping.

Yet another approach, which I prefer in my personal vimrc, is having a <leader>q key mapped to context-aware QuitWindow() function. It detects whether we're in merge mode, and runs :MergetoolStop command, or just uses normal "quit" command otherwise.

function s:QuitWindow()

  " If we're in merge mode, exit
  if get(g:, 'mergetool_in_merge_mode', 0)
    call mergetool#stop()

  if &diff
    " Quit diff mode intelligently...


command QuitWindow call s:QuitWindow()
nnoremap <silent> <leader>q :QuitWindow<CR>


[AS1]: Standard conflict markers include only ours and theirs version (default conflict style called "merge"). vim-mergetool expects conflict markers to include common base ancestor version as well:

" <<<<<<< HEAD
" ours/local revision
" ||||||| base
" common base revision
" =======
" theirs/remote revision
" >>>>>>> feature

Put following in your ~/.gitconfig to use diff3 conflict style as a default:

conflictStyle = diff3

[AS2]: When using vim-mergetool from a running Vim instance, as opposite to running as a git-mergetool, it's assumed that cwd of running Vim instance is set to repository root dir, and that Git merge is in progress.


Was inspired by whiteinge/diffconflicts.