
Better Touch Tool create a DayOne journal entry

DayOne CLI

Use a Better Touch Tool keyboard shortcut to create a DayOne journal entry

I created a Better Touch Tool keyboard shortcut to save the highlighted text to a DayOne journal. I use this all the time to save text snippets for later use. I like how DayOne automatically adds the current date and time to the entry.

Create a journal in DayOne, my example journal name is "Tech"

Create an All Apps keyboard shortcut in BTT, I used the new Hyper Key feature to map Shift-Control-Option-Command to caps-lock as a meta key. It's a great way to have a lot of simple keyboard shortcuts. I mapped it to the "A" key, since it was close to the caps-lock key and easy to reach.

  1. The first action is to save the selected text to a BTT variable called selected_text.

  2. I then quickly show a BTT HUD (this is optional) that a "Save to DayOne" command has been issued.

  3. Finally, I execute a terminal command with BTT. This command calls the DayOne2 CLI and passes it the arguments to create the entry.


  • /usr/local/bin/dayone2 - path and command to execute
  • -j tells DayOne the name of the journal to use, in this case my "Tech" journal
  • Tech - name of the journal to use
  • new - Dayone2 command to run, in this case create a new entry
  • "{selected_text}" a string of text to place in the new DayOne entry, selected_text is the BTT variable created in the first step, the braces {} tell BTT to substitue the actual text value for the variable name.

That's it. Now when I highlight some text and press caps-lock A it will create a new DayOne entry.

BTT Command
