Save Whatsapp Web Sessions to files and run them everywhere!
If you want to run the .py file you will need:
- Chrome or Firefox
- Selenium (pip install selenium)
- Chromedriver and/or Geckodriver (copy them in the same folder as the script)
- make sure they can be executed by running "chmod +x"
You could simply run "" and use it as a script, or you could import the "WaWebSession"-Class in your file and work with it.
- WaWebSession() -> creates a new instance of WaWebSession()
- you could choose a between "chrome" and "firefox" with WaWebSession(browser=)
- WaWebSession().create_new() -> gets a session from a new browser session (login prompt)
- returns a dict
- WaWebSession().get_active() -> gets all the active sessions from a browser
- you could select a specific profile with WaWebSession.get_active(profile="")
- returns a dict which contains all the users with session dicts
- WaWebSession().view() -> starts a given session in a browser window
- you could view a session from a dict with WaWebSession().view(dict=)
- or start a session from a file with WaWebSession().view(file="")
- WaWebSession().save2file(dict, path) -> creates a session file from a dict
- the path has to be a string
- you could also choose a specific name for your files with WaWebSession().save2file(dict, path, name) -> name has to be a string
- you can also save mutiple profiles, if they are stored in a dict
- single profile:
- key -> value
- dict[key] = value
- multiple profiles:
- profile -> key -> value
- dict[profile][key] = value