
Script for creating lenticular images (combine two images into one that is folded to expose both)

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


Tool for creating lenticular images (combine two images into one that is folded to expose both).

Lenticular images are the combination of two images in strips so that from one angle one image is visible and from the other angle the other image is visible. The effect can be pleasing particularly when the two images are related.

This is an old Perl script that I wrote to do this and will hopefully evolve to something a bit more modern and better. This should read strips from two input images and alternately write them to a single output file. The output image can then be manually folded to create a crude lenticular picture. When you cut the image from the print leave some space on each side and use that to hold the picture in the frame.

You will need to put the image into a frame that holds the folds in place. The input files should be the same size and orientation. There is very little error checking other than expected arguments. This will not overwrite the output file if it already exists.

I've used this a few times very successfully and the result turns out pretty well.

There are several ways that you can run this. The easiest is to run it as a Docker container which means all you need available is Docker. Docker is a free tool that you can find at https://www.docker.com/products/overview

Other methods for running this are to use Vagrant or run it directly with Perl (with the required GD module installed).

My preference is using Docker because then you do not have to install other tools or libraries onto your computer.

A description of the overall process of lenticular image can be found at: http://photojojo.com/content/diy/how-to-make-lenticular-images/

This depends on the perl GD image manipulation module.

You can use the included Dockerfile to run this as a container (and avoid installing anything).

Instructions for usage

Using Docker

Run using Docker by referencing the input file directory as a volume. The following uses the current directory as the location of the input files.

Using a pre-built Docker image

docker run -v $(PWD):/tmp dougtoppin/lenticular infile1.jpg infile2.jpg  outfile.jpg

Build the Docker image and run it yourself

docker build github.com/dougtoppin/lenticular
docker run -v $(PWD):/tmp IMAGEID infile1.jpg infile2.jpg  outfile.jpg

Using Vagrant

Use Vagrant to provision an Ubuntu instance and set up Perl on it. The following is probably pretty close to what I did to get it going.

vagrant init hashicorp/precise32
vagrant up
scp -P 2222 file1.jpg file2.jpg vagrant@
vagrant ssh
sudo apt-get install cpanminus
sudo apt-get install libgd-gd2-perl
git clone https://github.com/dougtoppin/lenticular.git
cd lenticular
perl lenticulate.pl ../file1.jpg ../file2.jpg output.jpg

Manually running it as a Perl script

perl lenticulate.pl file1.jpg file2.jpg output.jpg

Examples of input files and the output from them

Examples of what the generated (combined and folded) images can be found at the following links.

Friends on vacation
