
Lenia in OCaml

Primary LanguageOCaml

olenia is an OCaml implementation of a basic version of Lenia, a non-discrete Game of Life, focused on real-time visualization.

Quick launch

$ opam install graphics
$ ocamlfind ocamlopt -o olenia -linkpkg -package graphics olenia.ml
$ ./olenia
Key Functionality
r Load and start a new random world
i Toggle informations
<Esc> Close

Despite using FFT, olenia is slow: 16fps on 64x64 maps, and only 2fps on 128x128. As its main feature is real-time visualization, improving execution speed is important. For now, it probably suffers from the excessive use of Array.map and Array.init. Neither flattening the map to a single array, nor initializing arrays outside of their functions (that get called a lot) helped speeding things up. Allowing real-time modification of parameters would also be nice.

$ ./olenia --help
olenia [-s int] [-w int] [-h int] [-mu float] [-sd float] [-kmu float] [-ksd float] [-radius int] [-time float] [-scale int] [-shape <ellipse|square>] [-theme <borealis|redsoft|tournesol>]
  -s : map size (int)
  -w : window width (int)
  -h : window height (int)
  -time : time discretization (float)
  -mu : convolution gaussian mean (float)
  -sd : convolution gaussian standard deviation (float)
  -kmu : kernel gaussian mean (float)
  -ksd : kernel gaussian standard deviation (float)
  -radius : kernel radius (int)
  -scale : zoom level (int)
  -shape : cells shape (ellipse or square)
  -theme : color gradient (borealis, redsoft or tournesol)