Lua kafka client driver for the Openresty based on the cosocket API
- 0
- 1
#167 opened by 373967067 - 1
#163 opened by ZxyNull0 - 0
Compatibility issues that arise when sending messages to different versions of Kafka.
#169 opened by yuqiquan - 7
The timestamp of kafka is -1
#158 opened by junchuLF - 0
_fetch_metadata(): broker fetch metadata failed, err:failed to do PLAIN auth with closed, host: xx.xx.xx.xx, port: 9092,
#166 opened by kfrtiamo - 1
- 1
#165 opened by youyangkeji - 0
fetch topic metadata failed with domain name.
#164 opened by lucasrxly - 1
向Topic发送消息时,报错:4kafka send err:not found topic
#161 opened by gavin0505 - 23
failed to do SCRAM-SHA-512 auth
#153 opened by zhanghangorg - 2
Some questions about connecting to kafka clients and performance issues using lua-resty-kafka
#159 opened by PaperTiger7 - 1
- 3
- 1
Some issues related to version upgrades
#155 opened by junchuLF - 8
Is there a way to authenticate with SSL certs?
#99 opened by alekseyp - 4
- 2
#150 opened by BLF2 - 1
- 8
lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: /app/nginx-1.12.1/lua/lib/resty/kafka/request.lua:73: bad argument #1 to 'rshift' (number expected, got cdata)
#139 opened by xiaocaichao - 2
how to set security protocol
#146 opened by Holy-Shine - 1
#145 opened by ZYL19960322 - 0
default partitioner algorithm problem
#144 opened by stevensafin - 1
- 2
resty.kafka.producer send not timestamp supported?
#134 opened by zq-2020 - 0
confused api version
#143 opened by tweyseo - 1
- 0
- 0
希望能针对 kafka productor 或者 client 内部的状态 进行暴露
#138 opened by OnlyPiglet - 3
client 生产消息未携带时间戳
#135 opened by firefliesx - 0
Lua entry thread aborted cause by unknown errcode
#131 opened by sko00o - 1
#120 opened by qq712679031 - 1
#107 opened by 282857484 - 3
SASL module failed on specific partitions
#122 opened by salon0630 - 0
broker fetch meta data failed, err:closed
#124 opened by Holy-Shine - 2
Failed authentication with /xxx (Unexpected Kafka request of type PRODUCE during SASL handshake.)
#118 opened by wuare - 0
Release the SASL authentication version
#121 opened by dickens7 - 0
#119 opened by qq712679031 - 3
- 1
not supports Multiple different Kafka clusters?
#117 opened by sixtool - 3
- 1
Resolver issues, not solved?
#113 opened by connectedcreations - 3
Broker list doesn't refresh
#111 opened by hamishforbes - 0
- 0
some msg lose with error buffered messages send to kafka err: not found topic
#109 opened by dean-river - 3
当在producer中设置required_acks为0的时候,会出现timeout异常【when set required_acks=0 in producer, it will throw 'producer.lua:272: buffered messages send to kafka err: timeout'】
#105 opened by kxbin - 0
Avro Support
#108 opened by danaspice - 2
- 4
- 0
buffered messages send to kafka err: no resolver defined to resolve "cdh-1", retryable: true
#101 opened by lsasta