
nvim plugin providing a subtle overview of LSP diagnostics

Primary LanguageLua


Small companion tool providing a subtle overview of LSP diagnostics, with one click navigation


This plugin is heavily inspired by my experience using JetBrains IDE. There are marks on the right side of the editor tab to highlight code diagnostic presence, in a very non-intrusive but subtle way. This design provides a quick overview of the code state. A simple click on a mark "teleport" you to the corresponding diagnostic, making this feature rather simple but very efficient.


⚠ Among other this plugin uses the new iterator interface. Only neovim from v0.10 is supported.

Use your plugin manager

  -- ...


The configuration is optional and can be partially overridden.

  -- highlight groups used for diagnostic marks
  -- by default link to corresponding `DiagnosticSign*` groups
  d_hl = {
    hint = 'dmapHint',
    info = 'dmapInfo',
    warn = 'dmapWarn',
    error = 'dmapError',
  -- highlight group used for the diagnostic window
  -- by default link to `NormalFloat`
  win_hl = 'dmapWin',
  -- text used for diagnostic marks
  -- ⚠ the text must be one character long
  d_mark = {
    hint = '',
    info = '',
    warn = '',
    error = '',
  -- max height of the diagnostic window
  -- if not set defaults to the height of the reference window
  -- must be positive
  win_max_height = nil,
  -- alignment of the diagnostic window relative to the reference window
  -- `left` | `right`
  win_align = 'right',
  -- horizontal offset (in character cell) of the diagnostic window
  -- must be positive
  win_h_offset = 1,
  -- vertical offset (in character cell) of the diagnostic window
  -- must be positive
  win_v_offset = 1,
  -- ignore these diagnostic sources
  ignore_sources = {},
  -- ignore these filetypes buffer
  ignore_filetypes = { 'NvimTree' },
  -- severity option passed to `vim.diagnostic.get()` (`:h diagnostic-severity`)
  severity = nil,
  -- override arguments passed to `nvim_open_win` (see `:h nvim_open_win`)
  -- ⚠ can potentially break the plugin, use at your own risk
  nvim_float_api = nil,

All default configuration values are listed here.


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