
My dwm custom build

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

dwm custom build


  • spawn new window under the current one - attachbelow
  • add bottom stack layout - bottomstack
  • gaps - commit 8b021c55
  • no window title in status bar - notitle
  • custom bar color - colorbar
  • autostart programs - cool_autostart
  • cycle through layouts - cyclelayouts
  • add more EWMH support - ewmhtags
  • fix borders transparency - dwm-fixborders-6.2.diff
  • add borders to floating windows - dwm-noborderfloatingfix-6.2.diff
  • custom static icon for monocole layout - commit 65231a15
  • custom bar padding - commit f99491cf
  • status drawn only on the main monitor - commit a3f8bd4b
  • focus the targeted window on _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW event - commit 61e1ff07


make clean

status bar

dwm use the title value of the X root window as status bar. To use a status provider we need a small tool that sets the title of the X root window with provider's output. This tool is xrootwin.

build xrootwin

cd xrootwin
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

then call it from a startup script like .xinitrc or .xprofile and pipe the provider output into it

if [ "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" = 'dwm' ]; then
  (provider_bin | xrootwin) &