
A neovim plugin to open terminal quickly and nicely.

Primary LanguageLua


A neovim plugin to open terminal quickly and nicely.


Use your plugin manager

  -- ...

Or use the native packages (:h packages).


You can configure Oterm globally via the setup function:

  win_api = {
    border = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },

All default values are listed here.

-- default configuration
local _config = {
  -- The command to run as a job, if nil run the 'shell'.
  command = nil, -- string or list of string
  -- Terminal buffer name
  name = 'oterm',
  -- The placement in the editor of the new terminal window.
  -- hsplit, vsplit split horizontally/vertically the current window
  -- tab, open in a new tab
  -- Floating layouts: center | bottom | top | left | right
  layout = 'hsplit',
  -- Some mapping, exit: close the job and the window
  -- normal: switch to normal mode
  keymaps = { exit = '<A-q>', normal = '<A-n>' },
  -- Highlight group for the terminal window,
  -- links to NormalFloat by default
  -- Use it to customize the background and default foreground 
  -- colors.
  -- Note that `g:terminal_color_x` will be used
  -- (see :h terminal - TERMINAL COLORS)
  hl_win = 'otermWin',
  -- Highlight group for horizontal and vertical splits
  -- links to WinSeparator by default
  hl_split = 'otermSplit',

  -- `on_exit` a optional function to call when the terminal's job
  -- exits. It will receive the job ID and exit code as argument.

  -- The rest of the config is related to floating layouts.

  -- The width/height of the window. Must be a value between 0.1
  -- and 1, 1 corresponds to 100% of the editor width/height.
  width = 0.8,
  height = 0.8,
  -- Offset in character cells of the window, relative to the
  -- layout.
  row = 0,
  col = 0,
  -- Options passed to nvim_open_win (:h nvim_open_win())
  -- You can use it to customize various things like border etc.
  win_api = { style = 'minimal', relative = 'editor' },
  -- Highlight group for borders, links to FloatBorder by default
  hl_border = 'otermBorder',

NOTE: You can add more custom options in the config to configure the spawned job as the config table is passed down to the termopen function (:h termopen, :h jobstart).


You can create the mappings you want to spawn shell or commands in different ways and using different layouts:

local open = require('oterm').open

vim.keymap.set.map('n', '<M-t>', function() open() end)
vim.keymap.set.map('n', '<M-v>', function() open({layout='vsplit'}) end)
vim.keymap.set.map('n', '<M-f>', function() open({layout='center'}) end)

-- spawn nnn in a centered floating window
vim.keymap.set('n', '<M-n>', function()
    name = 'nnn',
    layout = 'center',
    height = 0.7, -- 70% height of nvim size
    width = 0.6, -- 60% width of nvim size
    command = 'nnn',

You can also use the commands :Oterm [command] and :Ot [command].


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