
TPM Remote Attestation protocol using go-tpm and gRPC

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

TPM Remote Attestation protocol using go-tpm and gRPC

This repo contains a sample gRPC client server application that uses a Trusted Platform Module for:


( Images taken from Remote Attestation )






NOTE the code and procedure outlined here is NOT supported by google.

You can use this standalone to setup a gRPC client/server for remote attestation.

There are two parts:

  • attestor: a gRPC server which accepts connections from a verifier, performs remote attestation, quote/verify and then then securely receives a sealed key from a verifier. The key is distributed such that it can only get loaded or decoded on the attestor that has the TPM

  • verifier: a gRPC client which connects to the corresponding attestor, and the attestor proves it owns a specific TPM. Once complete, the verifier will send a sealed RSA or AES Key that can only be decoded by that client.

As you can see, the whole protocol is rather complicated but hinges on being able to trust the initial Endorsement Key. As mentioned, this is normally done by validating that the EndorsementPublic certificate is infact real and signed by a 3rd party (eg, the manufacturer of the TPM). In the case of google's shielded vTPM, it is signed by google's subordinate CA and includes information about the VM's instance_id value. This protocol also "validates" the PlatformCA which itself includes a reference (serial# reference) to the EndorsementKey. I suppose it can contain the hash of the EKcert as another attribute...

also see


We will use a GCP Shielded VM for these tests

First create two VMs

gcloud compute instances create attestor \
  --zone=us-central1-a --machine-type=e2-medium --no-service-account --no-scopes \
  --image=debian-11-bullseye-v20211105 --image-project=debian-cloud  \
  --shielded-secure-boot --shielded-vtpm --shielded-integrity-monitoring

gcloud compute instances create verifier \
  --zone=us-central1-a --machine-type=e2-medium --no-service-account --no-scopes \
  --image=debian-11-bullseye-v20211105 --image-project=debian-cloud  \
  --shielded-secure-boot --shielded-vtpm --shielded-integrity-monitoring

On each, install go 1.16+ and setup libtspi-dev, gcc (apt-get update && apt-get install gcc libtspi-dev)

apt-get update
apt-get install libtspi-dev wget gcc git -y

wget https://golang.org/dl/go1.17.linux-amd64.tar.gz
rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.17.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin/

on the verifier (which in this case is the client) VM, edit /etc/hosts

and set the value of attestor.esodemoapp2.com to the IP of the client (in my case, its

$ gcloud compute instances list --filter=name=attestor
attestor  us-central1-a  e2-medium          RUNNING
root@verifier:# hostname

root@verifier:# more /etc/hosts attestor.esodemoapp2.com

ofcourse you can use any hostname here but the certificated provided in this repo matches the SAN values for TLS.


Now test the client-server by transmitting both an RSA and AES key.

On startup, the verifier will:

  1. Verifier contacts the Attestor
  2. Attestor returns EKCert (EK)
  3. Verifier checks Issuer of EKCert

Begin Remote Attestation

  1. Verifier Requests Attestation Key (AK). Attestor return AK
  2. Verifier uses (EK,AK) to begin Remote Attestation (MakeCredential) which involves using AK,EK to encrypt a value that it sends to Attestor
  3. Attestor decodes the secret sent by Verifier (ActivateCredential) and returns the decrypted value to Verifier
  4. Verifier confirms the secret sent matches. Verifier associates AK with EK

End Remote Attestation

Begin Quote/Verify

  1. Verifier Requests Quote over PCR values
  2. Attestor generates Quote over PCR value and uses AK to sign
  3. Attestor generates EventLog
  4. Attestor returns Quote and EventLog to Verifier
  5. Verifier checks signature of the Attestation is by the AK and the PCR values from the Quote. Verifier replays the eventLog to confirm derived PCR value.
  6. Verifier uses CA private key to sign an x509 certificate tied to the AK. The verifier could return this x509 back to the attestor over a new (unimplemented) gRPC API call.

End Quote/Verify

Begin Sealed Transfer (PushSecret)

  1. Verifier uses EK to encrypt either a local RSA or AES Key
  2. Verifier transmits encrypted Key to Attestor
  3. Attestor either decrypts the AES key or imports the External RSA key into its TPM
  4. Attestor generates a test signature using the RSA key or calculates the Hash value of AES key.
  5. Attestor returns the signature or hash to Verifier.
  6. Verifier confirms the signature value or hash (thereby confirming the Attestor decoded the RSA or AES key)

End Sealed Transfer

Begin Unrestricted SigningKey Transfer (PullSecret)

  1. Verifier Requests Unrestricted Signing Key
  2. Attestor generates RSA Key on TPM as a child of EK
  3. Attestor uses AK to Certify the new key
  4. Attestor transmits the TPM Wire firmat of the RSA key and test signature over some preshared data.
  5. Verifier uses AK to confirm the authenticity of the Certification and RSA Public key is attested.
  6. Verifier uses RSA Public key to verify the signature provided over preshared data
  7. Verifier extracts the public key from the TPM Wireformat and compares it with the Key embedded in the attestation
  8. Verifier uses the TPM Wire format Public key to verify the specifications for the unrestricted key (e,g matches template)
  9. Verifier uses CA private key to sign an x509certificate tied to the SigningKey. The verifier could return this x509 back to the attestor over a new (unimplemented) gRPC API call. The attestor could use this x509 and private key on its TPM to create an mTLS connection. See crypto.Signer for TPM and mTLS with TPM bound private key

End Unrestricted SigningKey Transfer


Attestor AES

git clone https://github.com/salrashid123/go_tpm_remote_attestation.git
cd go_tpm_remote_attestation

go run src/grpc_attestor.go --grpcport :50051 \
 --unsealPcrs=0,7 \
 --caCertTLS certs/CA_crt.pem \
 --servercert certs/attestor_crt.pem \
 --serverkey certs/attestor_key.pem \
  -useFullAttestation --readEventLog \
  --platformCertFile certs/platform_cert.der \
  --v=10 -alsologtostderr

Verifier AES

git clone https://github.com/salrashid123/go_tpm_remote_attestation.git
cd go_tpm_remote_attestation

# make sure /etc/hosts contains the internal ip for the attestor's vm set as "attestor.esodemoapp2.com" in /etc/hosts

go run src/grpc_verifier.go --importMode=AES  --uid 369c327d-ad1f-401c-aa91-d9b0e69bft67 --readEventLog \
   -aes256Key "G-KaPdSgUkXp2s5v8y/B?E(H+MbQeThW" \
   --host attestor.esodemoapp2.com:50051 \
   --expectedPCRMapSHA256 0:24af52a4f429b71a3184a6d64cddad17e54ea030e2aa6576bf3a5a3d8bd3328f,7:3d91599581f7a3a3a1bb7c7a55a7b8a50967be6506a5f47a9e89fef756fab07a \
   --expectedPCRMapSHA1 0:0f2d3a2a1adaa479aeeca8f5df76aadc41b862ea \
   --caCertTLS certs/CA_crt.pem --caCertIssuer certs/CA_crt.pem --caKeyIssuer certs/CA_key.pem --platformCA certs/CA_crt.pem \
   --readEventLog \
   --useFullAttestation \
   --v=10 -alsologtostderr 


Attestor RSA

go run src/grpc_attestor.go --grpcport :50051 \
  --unsealPcrs=0,7 \
  --caCertTLS certs/CA_crt.pem \
  --servercert certs/attestor_crt.pem -useFullAttestation  --readEventLog \
  --serverkey certs/attestor_key.pem --platformCertFile certs/platform_cert.der  \
  --v=10 -alsologtostderr

Verifier RSA

go run src/grpc_verifier.go --importMode=RSA  --uid 369c327d-ad1f-401c-aa91-d9b0e69bft67 \
  --expectedPCRMapSHA256 0:24af52a4f429b71a3184a6d64cddad17e54ea030e2aa6576bf3a5a3d8bd3328f,7:3d91599581f7a3a3a1bb7c7a55a7b8a50967be6506a5f47a9e89fef756fab07a \
  --expectedPCRMapSHA1 0:0f2d3a2a1adaa479aeeca8f5df76aadc41b862ea \
  --rsaCert=certs/tpm_client.crt \
  --readEventLog --useFullAttestation \
  --caCertTLS certs/CA_crt.pem --caCertIssuer certs/CA_crt.pem --caKeyIssuer certs/CA_key.pem    --platformCA certs/CA_crt.pem \
  --rsaKey=certs/tpm_client.key  --host attestor.esodemoapp2.com:50051   \
  --v=10 -alsologtostderr 


Please see the following for background on the eventlog and how to use it

Note, on GCP Shielded VM, the default PCR0 value is:

# tpm2_pcrread sha1:0+sha256:0
    0 : 0x0F2D3A2A1ADAA479AEECA8F5DF76AADC41B862EA
    0 : 0x24AF52A4F429B71A3184A6D64CDDAD17E54EA030E2AA6576BF3A5A3D8BD3328F

You can find a full end-to-end trace for the AES example under the example/ folder

Platform Certificate

The platform certificate used in this protocol is just a sample, static one tied to a ShieldedVM's EKCert serial number.

I did this because i do not know how to generate a platform cert in go. Instead i used NSA's Platform Attribute Certificate Creator (paccor) in java to create the cert separately.

What this means is we just make believe/pretend that the platform cert is valid by statically comparing the serialnumbers. In reality the verifier should check the certificate serial number and that a valid privacy ca signed the cert..

Attribute Certificate.

Note a sample serial number that is in the EKCert

tpm2_nvread -o ekcert.der 0x01c00002
openssl x509 -in ekcert.der -inform DER -outform PEM -out ekcert.pem

# openssl x509 -in ekcert.der -inform DER -outform PEM -out ekcert.pem
openssl x509 -in ekcert.pem -text
            Version: 3 (0x2)
            Serial Number:
            Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
            Issuer: C = US, ST = California, L = Mountain View, O = Google LLC, OU = Cloud, CN = "tpm_ek_v1_cloud_host-signer-0-2021-10-12T04:22:11-07:00 K:1, 3:nbvaGZFLcuc:0:18"

and the encoded reference of the same in the platform_cert.der

$ openssl asn1parse -inform DER -in certs/platform_cert.der

    0:d=0  hl=4 l=1268 cons: SEQUENCE          
    4:d=1  hl=4 l= 988 cons: SEQUENCE          
    8:d=2  hl=2 l=   1 prim: INTEGER           :01
   11:d=2  hl=3 l= 218 cons: SEQUENCE          
  713:d=4  hl=2 l=   3 prim: OBJECT            :X509v3 Authority Key Identifier
  718:d=4  hl=2 l= 113 prim: OCTET STRING      [HEX DUMP]:306F8014B7BAB002A1E7BE34C6C1055C6678E5BB535DA154A154A4523050310B3009060355040613025553310F300D060355040A0C06476F6F676C6531133011060355040B0C0A456E7465727072697365311B301906035504030C12456E746572707269736520526F6F74204341820102
  833:d=3  hl=2 l=  65 cons: SEQUENCE          
  835:d=4  hl=2 l=   3 prim: OBJECT            :X509v3 Certificate Policies
  840:d=4  hl=2 l=  58 prim: OCTET STRING      [HEX DUMP]:3038303606022A033030302E06082B0601050507020230220C20544347205472757374656420506C6174666F726D20456E646F7273656D656E74
  900:d=3  hl=2 l=  94 cons: SEQUENCE          
  902:d=4  hl=2 l=   3 prim: OBJECT            :X509v3 Subject Alternative Name
  907:d=4  hl=2 l=  87 prim: OCTET STRING      [HEX DUMP]:3055A45330513119301706066781050501040C0D4E6F74205370656369666965643119301706066781050501010C0D4E6F74205370656369666965643119301706066781050501050C0D4E6F7420537065636966696564

This links the platform cert with that specific EKCert

You can verify the Platform cert was signed by a given CA by using go-attestation.attributecert.AttributeCertificate.CheckSignatureFrom

3.2 Platform Certificate
This section contains the format for a Platform Certificate conforming to version 1.0 of this specification.
The Platform Certificate makes the assertions listed in section 2.1.6. This certificate format
adheres to RFC 5755 [11] and all requirements and limitations from that specification apply unless otherwise noted.


This is just an academic exercise (so do not use the code as is). However, some applications of this

Ubuntu with AMD-SEV (--confidential-compute)

If you use a GCP Confidential Compute VM for the attestor, use the pcr values it currently holds

gcloud compute instances create attestor-cc --zone=us-central1-a --machine-type=n2d-standard-2 \
  --confidential-compute --maintenance-policy=TERMINATE \
  --image=ubuntu-2004-focal-v20210927 --image-project=confidential-vm-images \
  --no-service-account --no-scopes \
  --shielded-secure-boot --shielded-vtpm --shielded-integrity-monitoring

tpm2_pcrread  sha1:0,7+sha256:0,7
    0 : 0xC032C3B51DBB6F96B047421512FD4B4DFDE496F3
    7 : 0x45B6A836BDC555783626C9E4E6234AC692F76B0B
    0 : 0x0F35C214608D93C7A6E68AE7359B4A8BE5A0E99EEA9107ECE427C4DEA4E439CF
    7 : 0xDD0276B3BF0E30531A575A1CB5A02171EA0AD0F164D51E81F4CD0AB0BD5BAADD

go run src/grpc_verifier.go --importMode=RSA  --uid 369c327d-ad1f-401c-aa91-d9b0e69bft67 \
  --expectedPCRMapSHA256 0:0f35c214608d93c7a6e68ae7359b4a8be5a0e99eea9107ece427c4dea4e439cf,7:dd0276b3bf0e30531a575a1cb5a02171ea0ad0f164d51e81f4cd0ab0bd5baadd \
  --expectedPCRMapSHA1 0:c032c3b51dbb6f96b047421512fd4b4dfde496f3 \
  --rsaCert=certs/tpm_client.crt \
  --readEventLog --useFullAttestation \
  --caCertTLS certs/CA_crt.pem --caCertIssuer certs/CA_crt.pem --caKeyIssuer certs/CA_key.pem \
  --rsaKey=certs/tpm_client.key  --host verify.esodemoapp2.com:50051   \
  --v=10 -alsologtostderr