- 0
Please an option to set file permission
#18 opened by ShreshthTiwari - 13
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs'
#4 opened by adarshks - 3
TypeScript not supported
#10 opened by moffsugita - 2
- 2
- 0
base64Img.requestBase64 succeeds. But how can I get the string our of the request?
#17 opened by carpben - 2
Unable to resolve module 'path'
#5 opened by JKLTechno - 0
Support for sync requestBase64
#15 opened by karlitos - 1
Cannot able to access URL type link.
#14 opened by PrasannaBrabourame - 0
How can I set timeout with requestBase64?
#11 opened by George0406 - 0
- 3
TypeError: data.match is not a function
#2 opened by santosh898 - 0
Promise support
#6 opened by e-e - 2
- 0