This is a quick port of the Windows cvblobs8.3 library to Linux. A make file is included which produces the static library: libblob.a Installation: -After extracting the files, go into the source directory. -Command: make to compile the source code. The output file is: libblob.a -Copy this into /usr/local/lib su <write your root password> cp libblob.a /usr/local/lib ldconfig exit The command 'ldconfig' registers the new library. You can also copy all header file to a suitable location such as: /usr/local/include/cvblobs so that they are avilable for all programs. In that case, change the include lines (for example): from: #include "BlobResult.h" to: #include <cvblobs/BlobResult.h> for all of your related source files. Comment: There was some major problem with the file:BlobProperties.h Some surgery was reuired to make it compilable under g++. Ahmet Onat I can be reached at: ahmetonat <inthedomain> gmail Sorry about the obfuscation above to block out crawlers.