
Script for inference object detection in camera Realsense D435 with yolo v3 pretrained model

Primary LanguagePython

dev_realsense_yolo_v3 by Tony

The script for inference yolo model with camera Realsense D435 for object detection and extract the depth information of the object. The process of execute script:

  1. Install Andaconda under link: https://www.anaconda.com/
  2. Activate base environment inside anacoda with command: $conda activate base
  3. Install opencv in python under command: $pip install opencv-python
  4. Install librealsense python of Realsense D435 SDK by following: $pip install pyrealsense2
  5. Download weight file of yolo under link: https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights
  6. Running the script with command. $python script_dev_realsense_yolo_v3_2d.py The demo as link below:

Object detection demo

Object detection

Objects and depth information demo

Object and Depth information

Contact: vanhuong.robotics@gmail.com