
A Simple JavaScript Performance Profiler

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

##Kojak: A simple JavaScript performance profiler Build Status

####What is Kojak? Kojak is a simple utility that can help you figure out which of your JavaScript functions are running too slow. It tracks when your functions are called, how often they are called, how much time they are taking, how the functions were called. It can also track your ajax calls and help figure out how fast they are. (Kojak was a tv show detective)

####Why Kojak? I've found that Chrome's developer tools or Firebug have too much noise to make much sense of my own code. I needed a tool that would remove all of the noise and clutter. I wanted a tool that was easy to configure and didn't force me to inject hooks all over my code. Kojak helps you focus on the performance of your own code and eliminate the clutter. It's helped me / my project to significantly speed up our JavaScript code. Hopefully it can help you and your projects.

####Dependencies The core of Kojak has no external dependencies. I've worked hard to avoid using any other libraries so that the tool is light weight and easy to use. You need a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or IE 8.0+. If you want to profile ajax network requests you will need to include jQuery.

####How to use it (the short version) To use Kojak copy/download the Kojak.min.js file. Include it in the browser code you want to profile. You can include it with a normal `script` tag or you can also just copy and paste the contents of the Kojak.min.js file directly into a running browser console. You can actually profile code in any web site as long as you know what the code root pakage names are.

Kojak expects that your code is accessible via the window object. A simple application might be assembled like this:

var myProject = {models: {}, views: {}, controllers: {}, utils: {}};
myProject.models.ModelA = function(){};
myProject.models.ModelA.prototype.modelAFunc = function(){};
myProject.utils.sharedUsefulFunction = function(){};

Kojak expects that the code lives somewhere under the window object. In the example above, the code lives under window.myProject.

If your using something like requireJS that hides your code, you will probably need to expose your modules to Kojak with a quick shim. Here is an example of how to hook up requireJS. You can copy the same pattern with almost any module style code.

To get an idea of how Kojak works type you can quickly test this in a browser console: ```` // First copy this into the browser console: var myProject = {models: {}, views: {}, controllers: {}, utils: {}}; myProject.models.ModelA = function(){}; myProject.models.ModelA.prototype.modelAFunc = function(){}; myProject.utils.sharedUsefulFunction = function(){};

// Copy the Kojak.min.js content into the browser console: // https://github.com/theironcook/Kojak/blob/master/Kojak.min.js

// this tells Kojak what code it should care about kConfig.setIncludedPakages(['myProject']);

// this will root recursively through all the code, starting with the included packages and wrap every // single function it finds to keep track of all of the function's runtime information kInst.instrument();

// See which functions have been instrumented in your application kRep.instrumentedCode({verbose: true});

// Now you would normally do something with your application that does not include a full page refresh // Run this as a simple example myProject.utils.sharedUsefulFunction(); (new myProject.models.ModelA()).modelAFunc();

// Now see the function performance stats.
// This only includes the instrumented functions. // In this example, you can see that the functions were both called once kRep.funcPerf({sortBy: 'CallCount'});

I have  added some examples of how to use Kojak with different frameworks using the <a href="https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc">Todo MVC app</a> from Addy Osmani and company.

<a href="https://github.com/theironcook/Kojak/wiki/Using-Kojak-to-Profile-the-Backbone-MVC-App">Backbone TODO MVC Example</a>

<a href="https://github.com/theironcook/Kojak/tree/master/example/TodoMVC_Angular">Angular TODO MVC Example</a>. (check the index.html file)

I spent a few hours with the Ember Todo MVC example but could not get it working with Kojak.  Ember looks like a pretty cool framework
(I've spent a total of 3 hours with it) but it appears to be a bit too clever for Kojak to follow.  With Ember, many functions do not exist under the prototype until the 
prototype's function is actually invoked.  It's unrealistic to execute the entire code base so it exists to be able to instrument it.
Maybe some Ember expert out there can show me how it's done :)

Other examples might follow.

Kojak has a lot of other features that I'll explain later, but first I need to explain how Kojak makes sense of JavaScript.

####Supported code formats

<i>If this section is confusing I would recommend reading <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Secrets-JavaScript-Ninja-John-Resig/dp/193398869X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1382038307&sr=1-1&keywords=secrets+of+the+javascript+ninja">chapters 1-6</a>.</i>

Kojak recognizes 3 types of data structures in your code
* `Pakage`
* `Clazz`
* `function`

A `Pakage` is anything that might contain your code. A `Pakage` might be a Plain Old JavaScript Object (POJO) that looks like {}.
A `Pakage` might also be a `Clazz` that contains other `Clazzes` or `Pakages`.
In the example below, myProject, myProject.models, myProject.views, myProject.models.ModelA and myProject.models.ModelA.NestedModelB are all considered Pakages:

var myProject = {models: {}, views: {}}; myProject.models.ModelA = function(){}; myProject.models.ModelA.NestedModelB = function(){};

A `Clazz` is a function that is expected to be used with the `new` operator.  `Clazzes` are expected to be named starting
with an upper case character. In the previous example ModelA and NestedModelB are both `Clazzes`.

A `function` is just a normal JavaScript function that Kojak does not think is a `Clazz` because it is not referenced with a string that starts
with an upper case character.  Kojak looks for functions in `Pakages`, `Clazzes` or under the `Clazz`.`prototype` object.

For example, Kojak will profile the functions `packageFunction`, `classLevelFunction` and the `prototypeLevelFunction`:

myProject.packageFunction = function(){}; myProject.models.ModelA = function(){}; myProject.models.ModelA.classLevelFunction = function(){}; myProject.models.ModelA.prototype.prototypeLevelFunction = function(){};

It's important for Kojak to understand when a function will be invoked with the `new` operator and to avoid wrapping
those type of functions directly.  If Kojak finds <b>any</b> reference to a function that starts with an upper case it will
assume the function is a `Clazz`.

The example below shows this:

myProject.models.ModelA = function(){}; myProject.someCodePackage = { refToModelA: myProject.models.ModelA };

In the example above, ModelA is also referenced with the name refToModelA.  Kojak understands that ModelA and refToModelA both
reference the same function and that one of those references looks like a Clazz.  In that situation, Kojak will assume
all references should behave as a Clazz.  If Kojak accidentally wraps a function and the function is invoked with the
`new` operator Kojak will throw a runtime exception with a message explaining which function was instrumented incorrectly
as a function instead of a Clazz. You can either rename the Clazz reference to an uppercase, create a dummy duplicate reference
to the Clazz that starts with an upper case letter or you can tell Kojak to ignore that Clazz/function using kConfig.setExcludedPaths.

####How to use it (the long version)
Kojak needs to be told what code it is supposed to profile.  You tell Kojak via the command:
````kConfig.setIncludedPakages(['packageA', 'packageB'])````

Kojak will use these package names as entry points to find all of the code that you probably care about.

You can also tell Kojak to exclude functions or packages with this command:
```` kConfig.setExcludedPaths(['packageA.SomeClass.funcA', 'packageA.SomeClass.funcB']); ````

Kojak will then ignore funcA and funcB.  The excluded paths can be fully qualified function paths or namespaces etc.

There are several other options in `kConfig` that are discussed in a later section.  All options set with `kConfig` are persisted
automatically in the browser's local storage.  So, the next time you refresh a page etc. your Kojak options are saved.

After you've told Kojak what it should are about and what to exclude you need to run this command:
```` kInst.instrument(); ````

The `instrument` function will locate every single `Pakage`, `Clazz` and `function` that can be found recursively through
what you specified in the kConfig. Kojak will inject a `_kPath` string in each `Pakage` and `Clazz` that is the fully qualified
path to the `Package` or `Clazz` so that they can be self aware of where they live.

The `instrument` function replace each `function` it finds with a wrapper function.  The wrapper function helps Kojak to
track everything that happens with that function. The new wrapper function contains a `_kFProfile` property.  The `_kProfile`
property keeps track of all of the information of what is a happening with the function.

You can check which functions have been instrumented with this command:
```` kRep.instrumentedCode(); ````

If you want more details you can run this command:
```` kRep.instrumentedCode({verbose: true}); ```

After you have told Kojak to instrument your code you can now invoke your code.  Typically you will click on something etc.
After some of your code has ran you want to see why it was so slow.  To determine which functions are too slow run the command:
```` kRep.funcPerf(); ````

By default, this function will return the 20 slowest functions (sorted by IsolatedTime) that have been profiled. For example:

Top 20 functions displayed sorted by IsolatedTime' --KPath-- --IsolatedTime-- --WholeTime-- --CallCount-- ... MyProject.views.schedule.ResourceListView.prototype._positionAppointments 392 426 77 MyProject.views.schedule.ResourceListView.prototype._createGridLines 351 367 35 MyProject.domain.BaseModel.prototype.get 99 230 14,679 MyProject.domain.BaseModel.prototype._getResolvedAttributeTypes 98 98 14,926 MyProject.views.schedule.ScheduleView.prototype._sizeWeekViewResourceColumns 78 78 28 ...

The funcPerf() will report 3 main fields for each function
 * IsolatedTime
 * WholeTime
 * CallCount

IsolatedTime is how much cumulative time was spent inside the function itself.  Whole time includes other functions.

For example, funcA takes 1 second and funcB takes 2 seconds.  If we modify funcA to internally call funcB the results would
look like this:

--KPath-- --IsolatedTime-- --WholeTime-- --CallCount-- ... funcA 1,000 3,000 1 funcB 2,000 2,000 1

funcA's IsolatedTime would be 1,000 milliseconds but it's whole time would be 3,000 milliseconds.  Most of the time, you
 will probably care more about IsolatedTime than WholeTime.

IsolatedTime, WholeTime and CallCount are cumulative values that are captured from the time you called kInst.instrument();
IsolatedTime and WholeTime are not averages - they are cumulative.  IsolatedTime/CallCount will give you the average.

The funcPerf() function can take the following options:
* sortBy - kRep.funcPerf({sortBy: 'WholeTime'});
* max - kRep.funcPerf({max: 30}); // I want 30 results instead of the default of 20
* filter - kRep.funcPerf({filter: ['BaseModel', 'BaseView']}); // I only want results that contain 'BaseModel' or 'BaseView' in their path

funcPerf will also report 4 additional fields you might find useful
* AvgIsolatedTime - this is just IsolatedTime / CallCount
* AvgWholeTime - this is just WholeTime / CallCount
* MaxIsolatedTime - this is the maximum isolated time across all different invocations of the function - the slowest time the function was called.
* MaxWholeTime - this is the maximum whole time across all different invocations of the function - the slowest time the function was called.

After seeing what your slowest functions are you might want to know how they are being invoked.  This is particularly
important for when a function's CallCount is unacceptably high.

To figure out who is calling a function run this command:


// Example results --Call Count-- --Invocation Path-- 1,380 MyProject.foo > MyProject.models.ModelA.prototype.bar > MyProject.something ...

The invocation paths will only include functions that Kojak has instrumented.  These call paths can help you track down
why a function is called too much.

<b>If you start using Kojak I'd highly recomend you review this slide show.</b>
<a href="http://www.slideshare.net/BartWood/kojak-pics">Kojak Metrics Explained</a>

####Tracking performance in between actions
Sometimes it's helpful to take performance checkpoints between actions and not include any previous results.  Sometimes it
can take a long time to set up a test and you don't want to have to repeat steps.  You can only run kInst.instrument() one time.

To do this use this command:
```` kInst.takeCheckpoint(); ````

Then perform your action.

Then run this command:
```` kRep.funcPerfAfterCheckpoint(); ````

The funcPerfAfterCheckpoint() is identical to funcPerf() and can accept the same parameters.  The difference is that
  the function results (IsolatedTime etc.) are only since the last time takeCheckpoint() was called.

Sometimes it's particularly interesting to watch the CallCount's for functions when running the identical actions.  Most of
the time the CallCount numbers should be identical.  If they are not, you probably have some type of memory leak.

####Tracking Network Requests
Kojak can also track all of your network ajax requests.  To use the NetWatcher you must use jQuery.  To enable run this command:
```` kConfig.setEnableNetWatcher(true); ````

The Kojak NetWatcher will then watch any ajax requests made.  To see a consolidated view the results use this command:

kRep.netCalls(); // Example output --urlBase-- --urlParameters-- --When Called-- --Call Time-- --Size (bytes)-- --Obj Count-- /kpi/SOME_KPI [GET] 01:04:22 PM 3,442 386 8 ...

The results are consolidated by the urlBase.  The results are sorted by the Call Time.

This does not track network requests made in a Web Worker right now.

####Kojak Sync
If you want to save performance report by functions, networks, js memory you can enable kojak sync functionality. It is very easy:

kConfig.sync('secretKey', 'apiKey');

Where you can get 'secretKey' and 'apiKey' just go to kojak visualization platform: <a href="https://github.com/dovchar/JSPro">https://github.com/dovchar/JSPro</a>. Sign-in with your github account and create your first application. 
For collecting jsHeapSizeLimit, totalJSHeapSize and usedJSHeapSize you should run chrome with options: 
```` --enable-memory-info --user-data-dir=test/te --js-flags="--expose-gc" ```` 
Also if you want run garbage collector after each measurement you need run
```` kRep.funcPerfAfterCheckpoint({gc: true}); ```` gc options will allow Kojak to run garbage collector from javascript on demand.

####Full API and Options

kConfig (configuration)<hr>

// Sets whether the net watcher is enabled. If you set it to true you need to have jQuery loaded. // If net watcher is enabled it starts running as soon as the Kojak libary is loaded. kConfig.setEnableNetWatcher(enabled);

// Sets if/how Kojak is supposed to automatically start code instumentation // Possible vals include: // Kojak.Config.AUTO_START_NONE // Kojak.Config.AUTO_START_IMMEDIATE - will not work for more complex code // Kojak.Config.AUTO_ON_JQUERY_LOAD - obviously jQuery needs to be loaded // Kojak.Config.AUTO_START_DELAYED - use in conjunction with kConfig.setAutoStartDelay(millis); kConfig.setAutoStartInstrumentation(val);

// If using Kojak.Config.AUTO_START_DELAYED, this is how many milliseconds to wait before calling kInst.instrument(); kConfig.setAutoStartDelay(millis);

// If you want to log when EVERY single function that has been profiled is invoked call this with true // Be careful with this - you will see many many messages kConfig.setRealTimeFunctionLogging(val);

// Overwrites previously included pakages // pakages is an array of strings // Kojak will use these pakages as entry points to recursively find all code to instrument kConfig.setIncludedPakages(pakages);

// Adds pakage to the list of included pakages // pakage is a string kConfig.addIncludedPakage(pakage);

// Removes pakage from the list of included pakages // pakage is a string kConfig.removeIncludedPakage(pakage);

// See the list of included pakages kConfig.getIncludedPakages();

// Overwrites the previously excluded paths // paths is an array of strings // Kojak will skip any Pakage, Clazz or function that partially matches any of the paths kConfig.setExcludedPaths(paths);

// Adds path to the list of excluded paths // path is a string kConfig.addIncludedPath(path);

// Removes path from the list of excluded paths // path is a string kConfig.removeExcludedPath(path);

// See the list of excluded paths kConfig.getExcludedPaths();

kInst (instrumentation)<hr>

// Call this once to instrument your code base. Cannot be called more than once // Every specified (in kConfig) function will be replaced with a wrapper function. kInst.instrument();

// Takes a checkpoint of the function execution metrics // After calling this run your code and the use kRep.funcPerfAfterCheckpoint() kInst.takeCheckpoint();

kRep (reporting)<hr>

// Check what code Kojak has instrumented // options is a JavaScript object that can have the following values // verbose: true - will report not only Pakages and Clazzes but also function names and call counts // filter: ['xxx', 'xxx'] - can be a string or an array of strings. Only code matching a filter will be reported kRep.instrumentedCode(options);

// Check the instrumented function performance // options is a JavaScript object that can have the following values // sortBy - possible values include 'IsolatedTime', 'WholeTime', 'CallCount', 'AvgIsolatedTime', 'AvgWholeTime', 'MaxIsolatedTime', 'MaxWholeTime' // max - how many rows do you want to return // filter: ['xxx', 'xxx'] - can be a string or an array of strings. Only code matching a filter will be reported kRep.funcPerf(options);

// Identical to funcPerf but the function performance metrics are only after the last time kInst.takeCheckpoint() was called kRep.funcPerfAfterCheckpoint(options);

// Only call this if you have enabled the net watcher // Returns all of the network calls sorted by call time. kRep.netCalls();

####How to compile it locally
Normally you won't need to do this unless you are forking the code.  If you do want to fork the code.
* Install NodeJS
* Install GIT
* Fork the code (git clone https://github.com/theironcook/Kojak/)
* Navigate to the directory you forked the code and type: npm install

This will install grunt, phantom, jasmine, uglify etc. in the local node_modules directory.

To build a prod version type: grunt buildProd
To build a dev version type: grunt buildDev
You can also type: grunt watch
This will run grunt buildDev whenever a source file or a unit test changes.

####Change log
* Changes won't be tracked tracked until version 0.2.0

####Legal Info (MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2013 Bart Wood

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.