
Question on filtering of cis-reads with insert sizes less than 1kb

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Hello there, I'm new to using pairtools and have some Micro-C's to analyse and found your walkthrough (thanks, it's been very helpful!)

I had a question, and it might be that I keep missing it in the pairtools documentation, but I was wondering where in the pipeline is filtering of cis-interactions with insert size less than 1 kb happening (as its mentioned in the qc plot linked below)?

Any clarification is much appreciated, thanks again!

Hi Cory,

Very sorry for the delay, but thank you for such an informative answer!
I'm testing out some of the new features in pairtools and consequently am revisiting this.
Just to make sure then, the only filtration you are doing is deduplicating and removing pairs which are separated by less than 30 bp, is that correct?

All the best,