Transformer-based protein function Annotation with joint sequence-Label Embedding
Joint Feature-Label Embedding
Input feature: sequence data (using transformer)
Output label: hierarchical nodes on directed graphs
- TensorFlow >=1.13
- For TALE+ (TALE+Diamond), please download Diamond and put the executable file into TALE/diamond/
If you want to use TALE+ for prediction, prepare your sequence file in the fasta format and go to src/ and run:
python --input_seq $path_to_your_fasta_file --ontology on --outputpath $path_to_your_output_file
where on=mf,bp,cc for MFO,BPO and CCO, respectively.
- Data/Gene_Ontology/EXP_Swiss_Prot/train_seq_mf: The training sequence file for MFO
- Data/Gene_Ontology/EXP_Swiss_Prot/train_label_mf: The training label file for MFO
- Data/Gene_Ontology/EXP_Swiss_Prot/test_seq_mf: The test sequence file for MFO
- Data/Gene_Ontology/EXP_Swiss_Prot/test_label_mf: The test label file for MFO
- Data/Gene_Ontology/EXP_Swiss_Prot/mf_go_1.pickle: The ontology file for MFO
The sequence file is a list, where each element is a directory having the following information:
- 'ID': The ID of the sequence in Swiss-Prot
- 'ac': The acession number of the sequence in Swiss-Prot
- 'date': The date of the sequence released in Swiss-Prot
- 'seq': The amino acid sequence
- 'GO': The GO annotations of the sequence
- The label file is a list, where each element is a list containing the indexes of labels (GO terms).
The ontology file is a directory, where each key is a GO term (e.g. 'GO:0030234') in the ontology. Each value is also a directory containing the information for that key:
- 'name': The name of the GO term
- 'ind': The index of this GO term
- 'father': The parent GO terms
- 'child': The children GO terms
In order to train the model, under src/, run:
python --batch_size 32 --epochs 100 --lr 1e-3 --save_path ./log/ --ontology mf --data_path ../data/Gene_Ontology/EXP_Swiss_Prot/ --regular_lambda 0
The above example is to train a model with 32 batch size, 100 epochs, 1e-3 learning rate, MFO ontology, 0 lambda value, with training data path at '../data/Gene_Ontology/EXP_Swiss_Prot/' and save the trained model in './log/'.
The trained models are in 'trained_models/'. (e.g. model1_mf* is the model1 on MFO)
Yang Shen:
Yue Cao: