

  1. This is an Opencv Example with the func to visualize hog structure.

  2. CLI Example

  3. A Opencv HoG trainer on GitHub

  4. Parameters Example on StackOverflow. Caution: we MUST adjust it according to our patch size and other shits.

  5. HoG theory basis on

  6. Forum

HoG 3D

HoG 3d feature is implemented by myself. Referencing to:

  1. A Spatio-Temporal Descriptor Based on 3D-Gradients

  2. Behavior recognition via sparse spatio-temporal features


  1. Python module "re" Documentation

  2. Remember separators for EPFL UAV dataset:

    sepa_loc = r"\(((\d*),(.))*(\d*)\)"
    searchObj =, line, re.M|re.I|re.S)


Git Demo Repo for Py

  1. Example for custom obj func

  2. Xgboost python API Manual

  3. Xgboost python usage introduction

Trifles on python

Other things

Can try scikit module: sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier() as an alternative.