Create static asset (js, css) bundles from a config file: a common interface to combining, minifying, revisioning and more
- 4
- 4
Searching multiple base paths for assets
#91 opened by alexweissman - 0
Ability to add .min extension to scripts and styles that have been uglified or minified
#110 opened by saswatds - 2
- 0
- 1
More details for bundle watch
#74 opened by venelinn - 0
ES6 support for bundle.config
#112 opened by shatodj - 0
Deprecated node modules still in use
#111 opened by SerdarSanri - 0
Unable to exclude style files
#109 opened by latvys - 0
#107 opened by Morpheus18 - 2
- 0
common options for all bundles
#105 opened by VaishaliRavindran - 0
Bundling fails due to json parse issue
#102 opened by moso80 - 1
Install failed with error of coffee-script
#101 opened by jigapate - 1
Gulp 4.0.0-alpha.3 can't parse config bundle file
#103 opened by itlessons - 1
Enable/disable maps based on environment
#100 opened by caitlineatman - 7
- 2
- 1
Is there anyway to configure to delete the older version files, if in case of file version changed
#92 opened by Bala-raj - 17
Result contains list of unbundled files as well/
#90 opened by TheWix - 3
Disable bundling for dev environment
#94 opened by AndrewCraswell - 2
Defining output paths for JS / CSS files
#93 opened by oltsa - 3
TypeError: Object.keys called on non-object
#88 opened by bmvakili - 12
Order of bundles in bundle.result.json
#71 opened by DasJott - 3
- 9
"Broken @import declaration" when compiling less
#80 opened by DasJott - 4
Feature request: global result options
#79 opened by alexweissman - 2
Result filename GUID causing trouble
#81 opened by amcpanaligan - 5
Use a JSON object, rather than `bundle.config.js`, as the source configuration?
#78 opened by alexweissman - 4
Specify custom paths for the `copy` task
#77 opened by alexweissman - 8
- 1
- 3
Include group in bundle?
#73 opened by venelinn - 0
- 2
This like native feature
#68 opened by okvic77 - 2
- 1
Extend plugin options to cover sourcemaps
#64 opened by narthollis - 0
- 10
minCSS Option Throws Error in 2.17.2 and Up
#50 opened by smschrader - 1
add `pathPrefix` to bundle config
#60 opened by chmontgomery - 2
Transform copying static assets
#48 opened by apobbati - 3
Add Gulp-Remember Into Bundle Flow
#51 opened by smschrader - 1
- 1
static files url adjuster
#58 opened by julianpaulozzi - 5
Allow skipping revision hash addition
#57 opened by chadwilken - 3
Add ability to use source maps on js only
#56 opened by kinkay716 - 1
How to catch watch stream errors?
#53 opened by sawyerh - 2
- 0
- 0
custom transform stream errors lost
#41 opened by chmontgomery