To-do list

SPA-application on Vue.js with Vue-router and Vuex Based on Vue-SPA-dummy


docker compose up --build -d

# Run watcher
docker compose run --rm node yarn watch

Upgrading Postgres

# Make the dump
docker compose exec postgres pg_dumpall -U todouser > /pg-dumps/dump.sql

# Go to postgres interface and drop the database
docker-compose exec postgres psql -U todouser -d postgres
# \l - show the list of databases in postgres
drop database todolist with (force);

# Stop container to remove volume with old data
docker-compose up postgres
# then press Ctrl+C
# ...or you can stop all containers docker-compose down

# Delete the volume
docker volume rm listodo_postgres-data

# Then change the docker image version in compose file
# ...
# Rebuild the image
docker compose up -d --build postgres
# ...or start all together docker-compose up -d --build

# Finally restore the data from the dump
docker compose exec postgres psql -U todouser -d todolist < /pg-dumps/dump.sql

Change Postgres password

# Firstly, connect to DB
docker compose exec postgres psql -U todouser todolist

# then make a request
ALTER USER todouser WITH PASSWORD 'vbi3478f';