Sepshell is zsh theme forked from Taylor Otwell's old taybalt theme. It's inspired by "cobalt2".
- Oh-my-zsh framework.
- Install Powerline fonts and select a Powerline font for your terminal.
# NOTICE: Sepshell needs "robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh" in place.
# With vanilla zsh:
git clone ~/.zsh-sepshell
echo 'source ~/zsh-sepshell/sepshell.zsh-theme' >> ~/.zshrc
# With zplug:
zplug "sepehr/sepshell", use:sepshell.zsh-theme
# With zgen:
zgen load sepehr/sepshell sepshell
# With antigen:
antigen theme sepehr/sepshell sepshell
# With antibody:
antibody bundle sepehr/sepshell
# With ZPM:
Plug sepehr/sepshell
source ~/.local/share/zpm/plugins/sepehr/sepshell.zsh-theme