
A python application to get statistics from a browser bookmark export

Primary LanguagePython


A python application to get statistics from a browser (Chrome, Firefox, and IE are currently supported) bookmark export


  • Counts all bookmarks in a browser bookmark HTML export
  • Counts all bookmarks in folders and sub-folders
  • Calculates percentage of bookmarks in each folder/sub-folder
  • Visually nests (tabs) sub-folders

Visual Nesting

  • Counts duplicates (and possible duplicates) based on exact matching links or matching links ignoring protocol

Dupe Checking

  • Cross browser support (tested in the newest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and IE11)
  • Generic case (just calculates total links without visualization or folder break down) for unsupported browsers


  • Organize and straighten methods
  • General code cleanup
  • Show in which folders the dupes actually reside
  • Add sorting options (based on count, etc.)
  • Add timeout checking (HEAD request)
  • Look into visual representations (pie chart?)
  • Add support (recently broken) for duplicate folder names, or at least checking/combining