
Terraform playground :)

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT


terraform tests


Terraform Components

  • Terraform is an executable
  • Terraform file (s)
  • Terraform state file
  • Terraform backup file
  • Terraform lock file

Terraform template parts

  • variable (used to store information)
  • provider (ex: AWS, Azure,...)
  • resource (ex: VM)
  • output (value to output for this template)

Automate infrastructure deployment

  1. Provisioning Resources
  2. Planning Updates
  3. Using Source Control
  4. Reusing templates



Before running any terraform command, you will need to take care of the authentification that terraform will leverage.

For example, in the case of Azure, you will need to follow this: # https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azurerm/index.html

Other Resources



Ideas of things to tests

  • Deploy AD Domain Controller, install AdsiPS and test commands
  • Chef Automate env with a few news nodes, few cookbooks, Azure Image built with Packer
  • K8s - Windows Containers