Software ideas


  • BoomAI: the first true AI assistant app powered by ChatGPT. Answers your insta and knows your schedule.
  • Finish Six: make users log in daily to complete a “battle pass” that lets them filter who they want to talk to. also make it 3 minutes voice call and 3 minutes video call. Delay call by a few seconds and add someone opening your door animation. Daily theme ? (societies, course, pro, fun ?)
  • Functional programming in HTML:
    • HTML elements auto close, no need for a closing tag: you make the closing > an alias for >Element and so every element has a child property and it is added at the end of the string > has as an alias.


  1. API that allows you to find out what apps /social media know about you (possible integration in-app) → became PrivacyApp (""); add colours to differentiate services on result screen (put the highest ranking in green, lowest in red and leave the rest in blue) ✅
  2. Investigate a site that could remove you from all social media (possible improvement for PrivacyApp) => not feasible as people wouldn't give their social media creds / register all delete account pages ❌
  3. Investigate a script to automate bear exports and git commits/pulls
  4. Write a battery level app using ubersicht and Web Bluetooth for macOS (not possible using Web Bluetooth as earphones aren't BLE)
  5. "message in a bottle" for Twitter => done but not published ✅
  6. Buy NFC tag and store resume/blog/portfolio on it ✅
  7. "no one/someone with a bangle js has been here" app for my watch
  8. An app that locates nearby thrift shops (will get popular with tiktok white girls)
  9. DIY Google pay client for my watch? (forwarding transactions to another entity then automating another bank account, it's a hassle?) [NOT POSSIBLE] ( ❌
  10. Write a local website using the archillect API and my useless monitor ✅
  11. Scrape videos of art to display on the useless monitor. ✅
  12. A search bar for desktop to play music on Spotify (macOS widget, can you use text fields in widgets ?)
  13. Waterproof karaoke screen for my shower
  14. A screen that displays info on my bedroom window
  15. Reminder bot for Instagram
  16. Generating synthwave music using markov chain analysis
  17. Image enhancer with ML
  18. A website that can use Instagram's API to graph out every mutual friendship (not really possible since Instagram's API requires auth to access user's subs) ❌
  19. Site qui joue une musique à une heure précise (pour le nouvel an)
  20. An NFC/RFID jukebox . You choose your music by taping a device on the box.
  21. Bot Twitter qui vérifie les infos (recherches à faire sur les méthodes utilisées par les journalistes). Je pense pas être à la hauteur de la responsabilité ❌
  22. Program that can determine formulas based on output and parameters using ai
  23. Create a program to sync my github description and google keep note. (done and automated using Apple Automator and a calendar event) ✅
  24. Develop a service that you can integrate to websites to mine crypto off clients (piracy/is this even legal?). The users would be fully aware of this and it would replace ads. Give a share to website and a share to the user. After some market research, this already exists (what innovations are possible?)
  25. Investigate hill climbing algorithms
  26. Spotify API powered flutter app, so I can use the bloody swipe to queue on my OnePlus (seriously Spotify why am I the one doing this ???)
  27. Create a variation of Conway's game of life that uses Reinforcement learning
  28. Create an algorithm that creates art based on numbers and iterations
  29. Solve the convex hull problem
  30. Create my very own personal assistant that listens constantly for commands
  31. Rewrite note syncing script on raspberry pi and automate syncing to github ✅
  32. Make a physical switch for my smart bulbs
  33. Build a key press recognition algorithm using computer vision to make my keyboard wireless (let’s learn opencv)
  34. Build a Google Keep JS API
  35. Learn OSINT
  36. Learn how to test widgets programmatically in Flutter ✅
  37. Reverse engineer the Xiaomi home app to use the private API (use home assistant?)
  38. News API powered app iOS (ended up being flutter because fuck swift ; basically done, moving onto something more interesting now) ✅
  39. Setup airplay for my google home using AirConnect
  40. Fake news detector python (works like dog shit. Need to research how it actually works) ✅
  41. Chrome extension that graphs your focus on a tab (anti procrastination)
  42. Make my own Google Drive alternative
  43. Finish clubhouse_timed
  44. Website that summarises all the political events in the world daily
  45. IDEE DE GENIE : application tinder exclusif pour UCL => étudiants (48000) pour undergraduate et postgraduate
  46. An app that would let you swipe on emails like tinder (to avoid email bloat)
  47. An app (mobile and web) that allow you to see the current lawsuits and controversies a brand is going through. (who would update the status ? Maybe a suggestions feature with proof that is human validated after submission). Follow The Trail is an ok name. Design is being prototyped (more research needed, there doesn’t seem to be a US wide db for lawsuits)
  48. Portfolio idea: a chatbot that knows info about me and would answer to employers (questions like should i hire daren palmer)