
temporal demo

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The project is created using create-choo-app which is an excellent starter for choo apps.

The purpose of this just project is to ilustrate a problem I am having when one consume a dependency (local or foreign) which does an imports fs.

Bankai runs babelify and then brfs (globally). Apparently the problem is related with how brfs works but I am not sure. Digging into the error message I can see the problem comes from this line in static-module.

If you run this project, you will see an error on console telling you _fs is not defined.

I have noticed this error on a "real" project when using choo-slides. In particular, the slides created with choo-slides are having this problem (eg: https://github.com/dpaez/async-tour). Choo-slides is using sheetify to add some style to the built-in slides and controls. Sheetify includes postcss which includes a module: previous-map.js which imports fs and triggers the error. Also according to postcss compile script sourcemaps are inside the final npm modules.

If I disable the global use of brfs on bankai's graph-script.js the error is gone but I don't think this is a practical solution.

It is highly probable that I am missing something or maybe there is a problem with how I am building choo-slides. Any help is welcome :)


Command Description
$ npm start Start the development server
$ npm test Lint, validate deps & run tests
$ npm run build Compile all files into dist/
$ npm run create Generate a scaffold file
$ npm run inspect Inspect the bundle's dependencies