
A PoC command line tool for deploying PostgreSQL instances in the cloud for future use by pgAdmin 4

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


This directory contains the pgacloud utility. This is a Proof of Concept command line tool that pgAdmin can use to deploy PostgreSQL instances in cloud environments through the external process infrastructure.

Code branches

The main branch contains code that can form the basis of the actual utility that may be shipped as part of pgAdmin.

The PoC branch contains a lot more experimental code from prior to when the main branch cleanup began. Future changes to main are not being merged with the PoC branch.


The utility takes a cloud provider name as the first argument, and then one or more non-positional options that define a cloud instances of PostgreSQL. It will execute the relevant API commands to deploy the instance along with a security group or equivalent to ensure the instance can be accessed from the client machine. It will wait for all asynchronous calls to complete, and then return details of the deployment as a JSON document on stdout.

If an error occurs, a JSON document is returned to stdout containing an error message, and a return code of 1 is given.

The --debug flag can be given before the provider name, which will cause log messages to be output on stderr.


The utility has a pluggable architecture, allowing 'providers' to be written for different cloud environments and then dropped into the providers directory.

Any Python file in the plugins directory that has a name ending in '.py' and NOT beginning with an underscore is treated as a plugin and will be dynamically loaded.

Plugins are implemented as classes derived from the AbsProvider class in providers/_abstract.py. In addition to the plugin class that must be defined, a load() function must be included which simply returns and instance of the class, for example:

def load():
    """ Loads the current provider """
    return MyProvider()

The provider class implementation has two requirements:

  1. It must add argparser parsers to the core parser to implement its grammar in the init_args(self, parsers) function.
  2. It must contain public member functions with names corresponding to the command defined in the parser, prefixed with 'cmd_', with the exception that underscores are used in place of hyphens. For example, the command deploy-cluster will cause the function cmd_deploy_cluster(self, args) to be called.

See providers/rds.py for a comprehensive example, and providers/starlight.py

Provider Authentication

Amazon RDS

Authentication with RDS uses an access key. This will be read from ~/.aws/credentials (the file used by the AWS CLI), however values can be overridden by setting the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.

To create an access key, open the IAM management interface in the AWS console, click on the relevant user ID, and then select the Security Credentials tab, and then click the Create access key button.

Microsoft Azure

Setting up authentication in Azure is somewhat more complex than AWS. See the Microsoft Docs for more information.


[Subject to change - for illustrative purposes only]

./pgacloud.py --help
usage: pgacloud.py [-h] [--debug | --no-debug] {rds,starlight} ...

positional arguments:
  {rds,starlight}      provider help
    rds                Amazon AWS RDS PostgreSQL
    starlight          EDB Starlight

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --debug, --no-debug  send debug messages to stderr (default: False)
./pgacloud.py rds --help
usage: pgacloud.py rds [-h] [--region REGION] {create-instance} ...

positional arguments:
                        RDS command help
    create-instance     create a new instance

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --region REGION       name of the AWS region

Credentials are read from ~/.aws/config by default and can be overridden in the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables. The default region is read from ~/.aws/config and will fall back to us-east-1 if not present.
./pgacloud.py rds create-instance --help
usage: pgacloud.py rds create-instance [-h] --name NAME [--db-name DB_NAME] --db-password DB_PASSWORD [--db-username DB_USERNAME] --instance-type INSTANCE_TYPE [--storage-iops STORAGE_IOPS] --storage-size STORAGE_SIZE [--storage-type STORAGE_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           name of the instance
  --db-name DB_NAME     name of the default database (default: postgres)
  --db-password DB_PASSWORD
                        password for the database
  --db-username DB_USERNAME
                        user name for the database (default: postgres)
  --instance-type INSTANCE_TYPE
                        machine type for the instance nodes
  --storage-iops STORAGE_IOPS
                        storage IOPs to allocate (default: 0)
  --storage-size STORAGE_SIZE
                        storage size in GB
  --storage-type STORAGE_TYPE
                        storage type for the data database (default: gp2)

Example Output

./pgacloud.py --debug azure --resource-group dave-test create-instance --name dave-test2 --db-password foobar%123
Connected to pydev debugger (build 203.7148.72)
[13:35:55]: Creating resource group with name: dave-test...
[13:35:57]: Creating Azure instance: dave-test2...
[13:39:43]: Adding ingress rule for:
    "Id": "/subscriptions/abc12345-abcd-7890-1234-abcdef123456/resourceGroups/dave-test/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/dave-test2",
    "ResourceGroupId": "dave-test",
    "FirewallRuleId": "/subscriptions/abc12345-abcd-7890-1234-abcdef123456/resourceGroups/dave-test/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/dave-test2/firewallRules/pgacloud_dave-test2_10-0-0-242_WbI9f2lcMc",
    "Location": "westeurope",
    "Hostname": "dave-test2.postgres.database.azure.com",
    "Port": 5432,
    "Database": "postgres",
    "Username": "postgres"
./pgacloud.py rds create-instance --name foo --db-password abc123 --instance-type m3.large --storage-size 10
    "error": "An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the CreateDBInstance operation: Invalid DB Instance class: m3.large"


The PostgreSQL licence of course!