
Telegram bot that writes everyday to tell when is the next Real Madrid match

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram bot: diaDePartidoBot


In order to inform when Real Madrid plays, this bot wll send you a daily notification when the day and the hour.


This bot is written in Python3 so you need to install Python3 and pip3:

For Ubuntu:

$ apt install -y python3 python3-pip

It is been also needed the following pip packages:

$ pip install requests bs4 pytelegrambotapi schedule prettyconf


$ echo 'TOKEN = "<token of your dev bot>"' > .env
$ echo 'CHATID = "<chat id>"' > .env
$ python bot.py


It is also provided a Dockerfile to run the bot into a container.


We need two things to run this bot:

  • The bot TOKEN.
  • The chat_id where the bot is running.


You can get your TOKEN ID using @BotFather bot, asking for your bot TOKEN.

Chat ID

For the chat ID, you can get it using the following URL once you add your bot to one chat group.


  • Add the bot to a chat group.
  • Go to the URI:
$ https://api.telegram.org/bot<YourBOTToken>/getUpdates
$ ## For example
$ https://api.telegram.org/bot123456789:jbd78sadvbdy63d37gda37bd8/getUpdates

Take the chat_id from the chat object.

This is the official GitHub: https://github.com/eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI