Blog Posts Service

Build Lint Code style: black

This is part of the microservices demo I am working on. This service deals with blog data, in which an authenticated user should be able to:

  • Create a Blog entry
  • Update a Blog entry
  • Get blogs based on different criteria
  • Get blog entry details

Config file

Use config.template.yaml file to generate a configuration for the service. Once done, rename it as config.yaml as it is used to configure the service (e.g. mongodb, etc).

Tech Stack

The API is implemented using FastAPI. A custom middleware is sit in front of requests, which validates authentication tokens (in this JWT) that where issued by an authentication service. The approach to do this is using a gRPC endpoint which will receive the message containing the token and will validate it to check the token was not expired and was not changed allong the way.

Data Layer

To enable fast developments, MongoDB was used as the DB engine.

Dependency Management

For dependency management poetry was the tool of choice, so we can have reproducible environments, and we don't end up in inconsistencies on the dependency graph.

Starting the Service

The easiest way of running the service is just doing poetry install && poetry run uvicorn main:app

Running Service on Kubernetes

You can run it in minikube by running:

# Install dependencies (charts)
cd helm && helm dependency build && cd -

# Run application
helm \
    --kube-context=minikube \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace=blog-svc \
    upgrade --install --force --recreate-pods\
    blog-svc \