
Visualize large text collections with WebGL

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Visualize large collections of text data with WebGL

App preview


pip install wordmap

Basic Usage

To create a visualization from a directory of text files, you can call wordmap as follows:

wordmap --texts "data/*.txt"

That process creates a visualization in ./web that can be viewed if you start a local web server:

# python 2
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 7090

# python 3
python -m http.server 7090

After starting the web server, navigate to http://localhost:7090/web/ to view the visualization.

Command Line Arguments

The following flags can be passed to the wordmap command. Type --help to see the full list:

--texts A glob of files to process

--encoding The encoding of input files

--max_n The maximum number of words/docs to include in the visualization

--layouts The layouts to render {umap, tsne, grid, img, obj}

--obj_file An .obj file that should be used to create the obj layout

--img_file A .png or .jpg file that should be used to create the img layout

--n_components The number of dimensions to use when creating the layouts

--tsne_perplexity The perplexity value to use when creating TSNE layout

--umap_n_neighbors The n_neighbors value to use when creating UMAP layout

--umap_min_distance The min_distance value to use when creating the UMAP layout

--model_type The model type to use {word2vec}

--use_cache Boolean that, if True, will load saved layouts from models

--model_name The name to use when saving a model to disk

--model A persisted model to use to create layouts

--size The number of dimensions to include in Word2Vec vectors

--window The number of words to include in windows when creating a Word2Vec model

--iter The maximum number of iterations to run the created model

--min_count The minimum occurrences of each word to be included in the Word2Vec model

--workers The number of computer cores to use when processing input data

--verbose If true, logs progress during layout construction


Create a wordmap of the text files in ./data using the umap, tsne, and grid layouts:

wordmap --texts "data/*.txt" \
  --layouts umap tsne grid

Create a wordmap using a saved Word2Vec model with 3 dimsions and a maximum of 10000 words:

wordmap --model "1563222036.model" \
  --n_components 3 \
  --max_n 10000

Create a wordmap with several layouts, each with multiple parameter steps:

python wordmap/wordmap.py \
  --texts "data/philosophical_transactions/*.txt" \
  --layouts tsne umap grid \
  --tsne_perplexity 5 25 100 \
  --umap_n_neighbors 2 20 200 \
  --umap_min_dist 0.01 0.1 1.0 \
  --n_clusters 10 25 \
  --iter 100