
InstaOunce is a full-stack web application modeled after Instagram. Allows users to connect with other users, share photos, hashtags, comments and show your approval with likes. Uses RoR, JS, PSQL, React, and Redux

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to InstaOunce

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InstaOunce is a full-stack web application inspired by Instagram. The purpose of this app is to provide users with a way to share pictures, thoughts through posts, build small communities via hashtags, and ultimately connect people together. InstaOunce uses Ruby on Rails for the backend, a PostgreSQL database, and React/Redux architectural framework for the frontend.


InstaOunce is built using the following:

  • Backend:
    • Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL are used to keep track of information and data associations using a RESTful API.
    • AWS stores media files posted by users.
  • Frontend:
    • React.js and Redux are used to manage the frontend DOM and user interactions while maintaining a normalized state which synchoronizes with backend data through the use of AJAX, Jbuilder and custom routes created in Ruby on Rails.


  • User authentication using BCrypt.
  • Users can create posts containing captions and multiple images which can then be seen by their followers and other authorized users.
  • The Ruby on Rails backend will automatically parse a new posts captions for hashtags and either create a new hashtag if it does not yet exist or create an assocation with an existing hashtag.
  • Clicking on a hashtag within a post's caption will render a hash tag page that displays all posts associated with that hashtag
  • A User's feed will display posts made by their favorite users through the follow system

  • Upon logging in a user will immediately see a stories container that displays updates on users they follow who have posted within the last 5 days, ordered by the most recent update first.
  • Users can follow and unfollow other users.
  • Users can like and unlike posts made by other users, which increments or decrements the given post's like counter dynamically.
  • Users can comment and view comments on posts.
  • Users who wish to see posts made by users other than those they follow can go to the explore page to view posts from all users.
    • Posts displayed in the explore page make use of modals to fully display the post.
  • Users also have the option to customize their avatar and edit their own profiles.

Polymorphic assocations

Likes and hashtags make use of polymorphic associations. This was done to allow for the expansion of features. A soon to be implemented feature would allow users to like individual comments in addition to posts, and for hashtags written in a post's comment section to automatically generate an assocation between the post and the hashtag. As of 7/27/2018 this feature has not yet been implemented.


Updates 8/10/2018

  • Implemented infinite scroll for user feed.
    • Scrolling to bottom of a user's feed will load additional posts.
    • 10 posts will be fetched at a time to decrease unnecessary data transfers from database.
  • Implemented a search function that searches for users with matching usernames
  • Multiple images can be uploaded for a post.
  • Image carousel implemented, allowing for users to flip through images

Short Term Future Features

  • Users will have the option to post videos.
  • Users can like comments and hashtags witten in the body of a comment belonging to a post will create an assocation between the post and the hashtag

Long Term Future Features (not in any order)

  • Refactoring code for efficiency regarding backend server requests via AJAX.
  • Full test suite using RSpec and Jest.
  • Real time notifications through the use of websockets when a user's post or comment receives a comment/like, when they gain a new follower, or when there is an update from a user they follow.
  • More robust styling via additional CSS and JavaScript.

This is currently a work in progress, so please feel free to send me a message if you have any suggestions or comments!