
Scripts and code for replicating Document-level Sentiment Inference with Social, Faction, and Discourse Context by Eunsol Choi, Hannah Rashkin, Luke Zettlemoyer, and Yejin Choi

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

CS 8803 Computational Social Science Replication Project

A project for CS8803-CSS at Georgia Tech by Andrew Dai and Taha Merghani replicating Document-level Sentiment Inference with Social, Faction, and Discourse Context by Choi, Eunsol and Rashkin, Hannah and Zettlemoyer, Luke and Choi, Yejin.


  author    = {Choi, Eunsol and Rashkin, Hannah and Zettlemoyer, Luke and Choi, Yejin},
  title     = {Document-level Sentiment Inference with Social, Faction, and Discourse Context},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACL},
  year      = {2016},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}


Tools and Datasets

  • Python 3
    • virtualenv
    • Jupyter Notebook
  • Stanford CoreNLP
  • Scipy
  • CPLEX4 (Community edition)
  • MPQA
  • Data from authors (publically available and privately shared)

Install and Configure

(Optional) Set up a virtual environment

$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Install (Python) dependencies

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Start Jupyter notebook

$ jupyter notebook

"A Document-level Sentiment Model" (Section 2)

The paper introduces a:

document-level ILP that includes base models and soft social constraints


  • overall formula (social + faction + all pairwise)
  • faction inference (soft constraint) (Section 2.1)
    • input: entity pairwise faction extracted with base model described in 3.2
  • sentiment relations (Section 2.2)
    • input: entity pairwise sentiments extracted with base model described in 3.1
    • balance theory constraints
    • reciprocity contraints

"Pairwise Base Models" (Section 3)

The global model in Sec. 2 uses two base models, one for pairwise sentiment classification and the other for detecting faction relationships.

Sentiment Classifier (section 3.1)

The input is plain text and no gold labels are assumed; entity detection, dependency parse and co-reference resolution are automatic, and include common nouns and pronoun mentions.

It predicts sentiment between entity-pairs: sent(e_i→e_j)∈{positive, unbiased, negative}.

The authors "trained separate classifiers for pairs that co-occur in a sentence and those that do not, using a linear class-weighted SVM classifier with crowd-sourced data...".

define the sentiment label for the text to be positive if it contains more words that appear in the positive sentiment lexicon than that appear in the negative one (and similarly for the negative label). We used the MPQA sentiment lexicon

Dependency features

  • Sentiment labels for:
    • Paths containing dobj and nsubj_rev, length <= 3 if path contains sentiment lexicon words
    • Paths e_i ↑ nsubj ↓ ccomp ↓ nsubj ↓ e_j (if exists)
    • Paths without any named entity
  • Indicator for nmod:against

Document features

  • NER (Named Entity Recognizer) types
  • Percentage of sentences with entity co-occurance
  • Mentioned in the headline
  • Appear only once in the document
  • Add document sentiment when both entities are most frequent entities
  • Rank of number of mentions of holder and target (e_i and e_j respectively), when they never co-occur in any sentences

Quotation Features

  • Direct quotations
    • Extracted with regular expressions.
    • Sentiment label of quote applied to (speaker, entities in quote), excluding entities with less than 3 occurances
    • Sentiment label also added to (speaker, most frequent entity)
  • Indirect quotations
    • Connect speaker and quotation using "list of 20 verbs indicating speech events"
    • "Sentiment label of words connected to e_j via dependency path of length up to two that also includes the subject of the quotation verb to e_j"
  • Indicator for whether e_i is the subject of the quotation verb

Faction Detector "simple pattern-based detector"

Entity is marked as a faction if the dependency path between them

  • "contains only one link of modifier or compound label (nmod, nmod:poss, amod, nn, or compound)"
  • "contains less than three links and has a possessive or appositive label (poss or appos)"

This is an "important area for future work"