Centerline V18 Repository Boilerplate


This repository is intended to be used as a starting point for V18 projects. It contains a standardized folder structure, build tools, and environment setup for a developer to get up to speed quickly.

Getting Started

After cloning/copying this repository, you should only need to run yarn install in your terminal to get started.

Folder Structure

  |  assets/
  |  |  stylesheets/
  |  |  |  style.css
  |  |  javascript/
  |  |  |  vendor/
  |  |  |  |  something.min.js
  |  |  |  scripts.js
  |  index.html
  |  javascript/
  |  |  a.js
  |  |  b.js
  |  |  c.js
  |  scss/
  |  |  styles.scss
  |  |  other-things.scss

/source is the folder where we will do our work. /public is the folder where the pages will run from. The /public/assets folder houses all of the images, compiled javascript files, stylesheets, and any other media.

Plugins and third-party libraries will live in public/assets/javascript/vendor, and will not be minified or concatenated into our scripts.js file.

index.html will automatically perform a meta-refresh to the public/ folder.

Basic Toolbox

Yarn and NPM

This repo makes extensive use of the NPM ecosystem. Our tool of choice is Yarn. If you do not have Yarn installed, please visit the website for installation instructions.

To install dev dependencies, run yarn install in a terminal. Additionally, when cloning this repository, please update the information in the package.json file.

To run one of the build tasks, enter yarn run TASKNAME in the console.


The current build tool is Webpack. The webpack.config.js contains all of the npm scripts that you can run. Feel free to modify them and add more if needed.

The watch task is for running while developing locally. It will automatically compile sass and babel code into the appropriate /assets folders. It will also update your documentation for you.

The autoprefix task will run postcss transformations, and add in the appropriate browser prefixes. Please run this task before running the release task.

The release task is essentially the same as the watch task, but without the watching and browser syncing. This will pack up all of the JS files, SASS->CSS compilation, optimize images, and will create a file that serves as a release package. PLEASE RENAME THE RELEASE.ZIP FILE, our preferred naming structure is {{jobNumber}}-v{{versionNumber}}-{{yyyymmdd}}. Every release should have a different version number that is reflected in the package.json file. Semantic Versioning is preferred.

Editor Plugins


  • prettier
  • bottom-dock
  • atom-beautify
  • editorconfig
  • linter
  • linter-eslint

Sublime Text