
A basic API for receiving & storing reviews. Supports sms reviews via Twilio

A front-end (UI) for this project is located here.

RVWR Testing site is currently running at open-sms.com/

To test Twilio functionality, text +12248883248


Requirements are meant to be installed via pip, the requirements likely exist from apt, but the project was designed to run with pip.

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


This api is meant to be run as a command line script, after installation. The prereqs will be installed while the package is being installed and ready to go.

$ pip3 install .


rvwr needs to setup a database to store the reviews, products, users, etc. First the database needs to be created. Currently rvwr runs on an sqlite database and is stored /opt/rvwr/rvwr.db.

$ rvwr init


Any request that requires a write operation (delete, post, put) requires a token generated from rvwr and stored in the database. This is to help prevent unwanted users from deleting and modifying existing data. To generate a new token run

$ rvwr token

To view existing tokens run

$ rvwr token --list

Tokens must be sent as a header with write required requests under the name token. i.e. Token= inside the headers of the request. Headers were chosen to pass the token instead of URL parameters for security reasons. I understand that this can be tricky with javascript.

Installing and running rvwr (for use w/ digital ocean Ubuntu)

apt-get update
apt-get install -y pinentry-curses xz-utils python3-pip git
apt-get clean

cd ~
pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
ENV PATH="~/venv/bin/activate:${PATH}"

apt-get update
apt-get install -y apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 python3-dev
apt-get clean

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/dpat/rvwrfront.git
git clone https://github.com/dpat/rvwr-backend.git
cd rvwr-backend
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install .
rvwr init

cp rvwrfront_wsgi.txt ~/rvwrfront_wsgi.txt
cp rvwr_backend_wsgi.txt ~/rvwr_backend_wsgi.txt
cp rvwr_conf.txt ~/rvwr_conf.txt

cd ~/rvwr_backend
TOKEN="$(rvwr token)"

cd ~
sed -i "s@placeholder_num@$NUMBER@g" rvwr-backend_wsgi.txt
sed -i "s@placeholder_url@$DOMAIN@g" rvwr-backend_wsgi.txt
sed -i "s@placeholder_auth_token@$AUTH_TOKEN@g" rvwr-backend_wsgi.txt

sed -i "s@placeholder_url@$DOMAIN@g" rvwrfront_wsgi.txt
sed -i "s@placeholder_token@$TOKEN@g" rvwrfront_wsgi.txt
sed -i "s@placeholder_pass@$PASSWORD@g" rvwrfront_wsgi.txt

sed -i "s@placeholder_url@$DOMAIN@g" rvwr_conf.txt

echo "$IP $DOMAIN" >> /etc/hosts
echo "$IP sms.$DOMAIN" >> /etc/hosts

mkdir /var/www/rvwr-backend
mkdir /var/www/rvwrfront
cp -r rvwrfront /var/www/rvwrfront/.
cp rvwr-backend_wsgi.txt /var/www/rvwr-backend/rvwr-backend.wsgi
cp rvwrfront_wsgi.txt /var/www/rvwrfront/rvwrfront.wsgi
cp rvwr_conf.txt /etc/apache2/sites-available/rvwr.conf
cp rvwr_conf.txt /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/rvwr.con

chmod 777 /opt/rvwr/rvwr.db
chmod 777 /opt/rvwr/

service apache2 restart

Updates to backend can be done by pip uninstalling and reinstalling rvwr & restarting apache2 Updates to frontend only require changes to files in /var/www/rvwrfront & restarting apache2


  • Add single use URLS
  • HTTPS upgrade from http
  • Authentication for admins
  • Separate out viewing and posting reviews
  • Change routes to support companies
  • Change database fields to support companies
  • Add routes to support user numbers
  • Add Database routes to support user numbers
  • Setup Twilio initiation messaging