
Compare users stats on the dPay network

Primary LanguageJavaScript

dPay Stats V2

dPay Stats V2 allows you to easily see account information on multiple accounts at once. Enter a custom list of users or use the follower compare tool.

View the live site here


If you would like to setup this project locally

git clone https://github.com/dpays/dpay-stats-v2/
open index.html


There are currently no build tools or pre-processing in use so you can edit main.css/main.js directly and refresh in the browser to see updates or use a local server like node http-server module.


Upcoming updates/Ideas ->

A couple features spring to mind to add next -

  • filtering after search e.g ( over 50rep, less than 1000BP)
  • Highlighting if powering down.
  • if the user is re-investing or sending to exchange.
  • if the user uses upvote/bot accounts
  • minify setup build tools
  • save/track individual user or groups to see change in stats
  • Branding/Design/Custom URL

More unique statistics

  • Average Weekly rewards
  • latest rewards
  • Average user engagement


  • User Compare Page
  • New user stats (average post likes/comments & average word Count)


  • Share via url
  • History state with searches
  • create modules for JS


  • add query to check for active steem server


  • Add Sorting (reputation, effective BP, account value, post count, followers and account age)
  • Responsive Updates sm + lg fixes
  • New Metric - Relative Account Age
  • Hero Design/UI updates


  • Inital Project Build


The project is a fork via @code-with-sam. Special thanks to him for his awesome and hard work on the original version for @Steemit.