
Some endpoints to help immediately notify Concourse about resource changes.

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Some endpoints to help immediately notify Concourse about resource changes instead of relying on check polling. This allows for smaller worker footprints, fewer running containers, and more efficient triggering of jobs. The target environment is with AWS Lambda and API Gateway and allows external resource events to immediately trigger Concourse to check for new versions of the resource.

If you're interested in using this, it's best if you have already...

  • cloned this repository (and run npm install) to a temporary directory where you can package it up

  • created an API Gateway if you want to receive webhooks

  • created an IAM role for your lambda functions to execute in your VPC

  • loaded your AWS_* environment credential variables

  • set the following local variables...

     $ FLY_TARGET=default
     $ lambda_bucket=acmecorp-aws-lambda-us-east-1
     $ lambda_iam_role=arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/aws-lambda-vpc-a1b2c3d4
     $ lambda_ec2_subnets=subnet-a1b2c3d4,subnet-b1c2d3e4,subnet-c1d2e3f4
     $ lambda_ec2_securitygroups=sg-a1b2c3d4

Rather than dynamically querying pipelines at each event invocation, the relevant pipeline resource information is pre-generated and stored in etc/config.json. Most types provide a generator.sh script which will query a Concourse target and generate it for you with minimal manual editing.

Resource Types

A few of the resource types are supported...


For the git resources.

GitHub Webhook

Receive GitHub's webhook for repository push events and notify Concourse.

Generate a configuration file for your Concourse target and update @todo values...

$ mkdir etc
$ ./lib/git/generator.sh "$FLY_TARGET" > etc/config.json
$ vim etc/config.json

Zip the directory and upload to S3...

$ lambda_version=$( date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M%S )
$ zip -r ../lambda-$lambda_version.zip *
$ aws s3api put-object \
  --bucket=$lambda_bucket \
  --key=ci-$FLY_TARGET/lambda-$lambda_version.zip \
  --body "$PWD/../lambda-$lambda_version.zip"

Register the Lambda function...

$ aws lambda create-function \
  --function-name "ci-$FLY_TARGET-git-github" \
  --runtime nodejs4.3 \
  --role $lambda_iam_role \
  --handler index.git_github_handleWebhook \
  --code S3Bucket=$lambda_bucket,S3Key=ci-$FLY_TARGET/lambda-$lambda_version.zip \
  --timeout 20 \
  --memory-size 128 \
  --vpc-config SubnetIds=$lambda_ec2_subnets,SecurityGroupIds=$lambda_ec2_securitygroups

Register an API Gateway endpoint for the created Lambda function. Update the Method Execution to include headers for X-GitHub-Event and X-Hub-Signature. Also update the Integration Request to include a Body Mapping Template for application/json with the following template...

  "event": "$util.escapeJavaScript($input.params().header.get('X-GitHub-Event'))",
  "signature": "$util.escapeJavaScript($input.params().header.get('X-Hub-Signature'))",
  "body": "$util.escapeJavaScript($input.body)"

Deploy the API. Then configure GitHub with a webhook with the generated URL and the configured secret...

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Go to Webhooks & services
  3. Click Add webhook
  4. Set Payload URL to https://...snip...
  5. Set Secret to @todo
  6. Click Add webhook

If you need to update the configuration or function...

$ aws lambda update-function-code \
  --function-name "ci-$FLY_TARGET-git-github" \
  --s3-bucket $lambda_bucket \
  --s3-key ci-$FLY_TARGET/lambda-$lambda_version.zip


For the s3 and semver[s3] resources.

S3 Notification

Receive notifications whenever objects are created in buckets and notify Concourse.

Generate a configuration file for your Concourse target and update @todo values...

$ mkdir etc
$ ./lib/s3/generator.sh "$FLY_TARGET" > etc/config.json
$ vim etc/config.json

Zip the directory and upload to S3...

$ lambda_version=$( date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M%S )
$ zip -r ../lambda-$lambda_version.zip *
$ aws s3api put-object \
  --bucket=$lambda_bucket \
  --key=ci-$FLY_TARGET/lambda-$lambda_version.zip \
  --body "$PWD/../lambda-$lambda_version.zip"

Register the Lambda function...

$ aws lambda create-function \
  --function-name "ci-$FLY_TARGET-s3" \
  --runtime nodejs4.3 \
  --role $lambda_iam_role \
  --handler index.s3.handleNotificationLambda \
  --code S3Bucket=$lambda_bucket,S3Key=ci-$FLY_TARGET/lambda-$lambda_version.zip \
  --timeout 20 \
  --memory-size 128 \
  --vpc-config SubnetIds=$lambda_ec2_subnets,SecurityGroupIds=$lambda_ec2_securitygroups

Add a new Event for the S3 Bucket...

  1. Expand Events
  2. Set Name
  3. Set Events to ObjectCreated (All)
  4. Set Send To to Lambda function
  5. Choose the created Lambda function
  6. Click Save

If you need to update the configuration or function...

$ aws lambda update-function-code \
  --function-name "ci-$FLY_TARGET-s3" \
  --s3-bucket $lambda_bucket \
  --s3-key ci-$FLY_TARGET/lambda-$lambda_version.zip


Configuration files for resources contain a reference to the ATC, resource-specific configuration, and a list of checks. Checks should be a simplified list of relevant resources with filters needed to further identify relevancy...

  "atc": {
    "url": "https://ci.example.com",
    "headers": {
      "authorization": "Basic Y29uY291cnNlOmNvbmNvdXJzZQ=="
  "checks": [
      "check": "{pipeline-name}/{resource-name}",
      "filter": {
        "uri": "https://github.com/example/test",
        "branch": "master"

Some limitations...

  • cannot be used with ATCs configured with OAuth
  • lambda code embeds a cached list of pipeline resources. When they change, the function needs to be updated
  • the matching of paths and ignore_paths source settings of git resources has some edge cases


MIT License