An alternative interpretation of links focused around more dynamic, consul-based service discovery.

Notable Differences:

  • link properties are accessed via p('_links.{template_name}.{link_method}.{link_name}.properties.{property_name}') (remember to add _links to your release's job spec if you want access)
  • link properties are defined for providers in the deployment's global properties at properties._links.{provider_link_name}.{property_name}
  • rather than consumes specifying a network, provides specifies it to indicate which IP it advertises
  • uses consumes_v2 and provides_v2 in job spec files since current BOSH has an old implementation

Create a file which maps releases to your working directories so it can easily lookup the provides/consumes spec metadata...

$ cat ~/bosh-release-source.yml 
  path: "~/Projects/dpb587--openvpn-bosh-release"
  branch: "master"

Make your deployment manifest through links-filter to have it read, parse, and resolve link information...

  - exec: "~/Projects/dpb587--consul-bosh-links-release/bin/links-filter"


MIT License