- Meetings: Class 01: 1 PM of M/Th @ NTH 313 / Class 02: 4 PM of M/Th @ NTH 220
- TA's Help hour: TBD @ Coding Space (OH 316)
- Instructor: Shin Hong https://hongshin.github.io / hongshin@handong.edu
- Teaching assistants: Jeewoong Kim/ Juyoung Jeon / Hyerin Leem (pictures)
This course aims to equip beginner-level, Computer Science major students with mathematical essentials for studying in Computer Science. It is designed to articulate students in reading technical descriptions on scientific statements effectively and in reasoning discrete mathematical structures (e.g. sets, relations, permutations, graphs, and trees) systematically. Throughout the course, students are expected to understand the concepts of the mathematical foundations of Computer Science clearly and learn to practice these concepts in computational problem solvings of real-world.
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 8/e authored by Kenneth. H. Rosen
This book can be found in Handong Book on campus. It is mandatory for every class participant to hold a copy of this textbook: it will be assumed that every student is able to access the textbook by himself/herself anytime in this semester for doing homework, team projects, etc.
- Course Overview (Aug 26)
- c.f. ITP 20002-02 Discrete Math, 2018 Fall: exams, assignments, lecture notes (may be outdated)
- to be announced
- Foundations of Computer Science, Stanford University
- Mathematics for Computer Science, MIT OCW
- Discrete Mathematics: An Open Introduction, 3/e by Oscar Levin
- Programming and Mathematical Thinking: A Gentle Introduction to Discrete Math Featuring Python by Allan M. Stavely
- ITP 20002-02 Discrete Math, 2018 Fall: lecture note (may be outdated), assignments, etc.
- Piazza for news, Q&A, and online discussions
- Hisnet for attendance check & homework submission
- GitHub repository for sharing lecture note, resource for homework, etc.