This repo includes anonymized data and analysis of the iThemba Projects' Asidlale Creche Programme in Sweetwaters, South Africa. Data was collected between 2013-2016 from 276 students entering grade R at two primary schools in Sweetwaters. Each student was assessed on 14 exercises involving cognition and motor skills, receiving a score from 1 (low) to 3 (high).
Evaluate the effectiveness of the Asidlale programme.
Find year-to-year trends to assess how creches have fared over time.
Offer suggestions for improving the Asidlale programme.
Offer suggestions for improving data collection.
Children in Asdidlale creches consistently outperform peers in non-Asidlale creches.
Children who attend any kind of creche consistently outperform peers who do not.
Year to year comparisons are difficult to make.